ADP // Universal Registration Document 2022

Presentation of the Group 1 Group activities

Decree No. 2002-1106 of 1 August 2022 relating to airport fees modified certain terms of the procedure for the annual approval of fees, and in particular the deadlines available to the Transport Regulatory Authority to examine the pricing proposals of airport operators. From now on, tariffs subject to approval are published no later than the day after their notification. In the absence of an Economic Regulation Agreement, they are approved, unless the Transport Regulatory Authority objects, within two months, instead of one month previously, following receipt of the notification. In the event of opposition, Aéroports de Paris has the option, within one month from the notification of opposition from the Transport Regulatory Authority, to submit a new proposal. The Transport Regulatory Authority then has one month, instead of twenty-one days to approve the operator’s new proposal or again to refuse its approval. In the latter case, the fee rates and their adjustments previously in force remain applicable. If the last approval is more than twenty-four months old, the Transport Regulatory Authority is competent to set the rates of fees and The economic regulation of airport fees is governed by the French Transport Code and the French Civil Aviation Code. The applicable provisions provide for the possibility for the State and the aerodrome operator to conclude an Economic Regulation Agreement. However, this is not an obligation. Under an Economic Regulation Agreement, rates are subject to compliance with three ceilings: ◆ the price cap defined by the ERA price equation 1 , usually expressed as: CPI 2 + x% + adjustment factors; ◆ a second ceiling defined by the adequacy of revenues to the costs of services rendered (“coverage rate”); ◆ a third ceiling defined by the profitability of the regulated scope. In the absence of an Economic Regulation Agreement, only the second and third ceilings apply. These two ceilings are provided for in article L. 6325-1 of the French Transport Code, which stipulates that: ◆ “the amount of fees takes into account the return on capital invested in a scope of activities specified by regulation for each aerodrome, assessed with regard to the weighted average cost of capital estimated from the financial asset valuation model, the financial market data available and the parameters taken into account for companies with comparable activities”; and that ◆ “the total revenue from these fees may not exceed the cost of the services provided at the aerodrome or for the aerodrome system serving the same city or urban area in question. This system is defined within this chapter as a group of aerodromes serving the same city or urban area, managed by the same operator and designated as such by the competent State authority”. their adjustments for the following fee period. Regulatory framework applicable in the absence of an Economic Regulation Agreement

based on the number of non-connecting passengers checked in, and which varies according to the type of destination. Income from this fee amounted to €74 million in 2022; ◆ the fee for providing connecting baggage sorting facilities is based on the number of connecting passengers. Income from this fee amounted to €36 million in 2022; ◆ the fee for providing aircraft de-icing infrastructure varies according to the size of the aircraft and is made up of a fixed portion based on the number of landings made over the season in question, and a variable portion based on the number of de-icing operations. This fee is collected at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport where the de-icing system is a centralised infrastructure, but not at Paris-Orly Airport where the activity is provided by air carriers via, where applicable, their ground handling service providers. Income from this fee amounted to €19 million in 2022; ◆ the fee for the provision of electrical power infrastructure for aircraft is based on the electrical power supply to the parking stand (400 Hz or 50 Hz), and the energy requirement category of the aircraft, depending on its technical equipment (number of sockets). Income from this fee amounted to €12 million in 2022. The increase in the fee for assistance to people with disabilities and reduced mobility (PHMR) of Paris-Orly and Paris-Charles de Gaulle is capped by the cost of the service, in application of Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2006 of 5 July 2006 concerning the rights of disabled people and people with reduced mobility when travelling by air. The income from this fee amounted to €57 million in 2022. The total income from ancillary fees and the fee for assisting people with disabilities and with reduced mobility is presented as revenue in the consolidated financial statements under the item “Ancillary fees”. The fees amounted to €209 million in 2022 (€106 million in 2021). SETTING OF AIRPORT FEES Procedure for the annual setting of rates Aéroports de Paris consults with the users of the airport infrastructure via the economic advisory committees of Paris Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly Airports, on the one hand, and Paris-Le Bourget Airport, on the other, at least four months before the beginning of each pricing period. Composed of representatives of aeronautical users, professional air transport organisations and Aéroports de Paris, the two economic advisory committees are tasked with providing a simple opinion on the airport operator’s pricing proposal, on the one hand, and, on its investment program for the pricing period in question. Aéroports de Paris then notifies the proposed fee rates and, where applicable, any adjustments to such fees, to the Transport Regulatory Authority for approval, and for information to the Minister of Transport and the General Directorate for Competition Policy, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control. The latter may issue a reasoned opinion to the Transport Regulatory Authority on the notified tariff proposal, within fifteen days of its notification.

1 Economic Regulation Agreement. 2 Consumer Price Index.



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