ADP // Universal Registration Document 2022

Presentation of the Group

Group activities Defnition of the regulated scope In accordance with article L. 6325-1 of the French Transport Code, the amount of fees takes into account the return on capital employed for a scope of activities stipulated by regulation for each airport, assessed based on the weighted average cost of capital estimated using the financial assets valuation model, available market data and parameters considered for companies engaged in comparable activities. This scope of activities, called the regulated scope, is defined by the first article of the decree of 16 September 2005 relating to fees for services rendered in airports. The performance of the regulated scope is assessed by comparing the weighted average cost of capital to the return on capital employed (RCE or ROCE), calculated as the profit/ loss from operating activities of the regulated scope less the standard corporate tax relating to the regulated asset basis (net carrying amount of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets relating to the regulated scope, plus the working capital requirement for this scope). As at 31 December 2022, the ROCE of the regulated scope was 4.67%. Regulatory operating income for the 2022 financial year


is estimated at €365 million, and the regulated asset base at €5,800 million at 31 December 2022 (data under review – they will be certified by the Statutory Auditors in the second quarter of 2023). Since 1 January 2011, the regulated scope includes all the activities of Aéroports de Paris within the airports in the Paris region, with the exception of: ◆ activities financed by the airport tax, i.e. mainly security services, prevention of animal hazards, and aircraft rescue and fire-fighting services (SSLIA 1 ); ◆ retail businesses and services; ◆ land and real estate businesses not directly related to aviation activities or “real estate diversification” activities; ◆ management by Aéroports de Paris of noise reduction projects for local residents 2 ; ◆ ground-handling service activities falling within the competitive field; ◆ other activities unrelated to the activity of the Paris region airports.

Regulated scope at 31 December 2022 (in millions of euros)

2022 2


Regulated profit/loss from operating activities


(204) 5,870

5,800 4.67%

Regulated asset base 1

Regulated ROCE


1 Including subsidies. 2 The data for the regulated scope at the end of 2022 are being reviewed. They will be confirmed by the Statutory Auditors in the second quarter of 2023. Fees The specifications of Aéroports de Paris, approved by Decree No. 2005-828 of 20 July 2005, set out the Company’s public service obligations and the procedures for monitoring these obligations by the French State. This airport public service activity is also governed, with respect to airport fees, by the French Transport Code and the French Civil Aviation Code. AIRPORT FEES Airport fees include passenger fees, landing fees and parking fees: ◆ the fee per passenger is based on the number of passengers boarded. They are due for all departing flights other than for passengers in direct transit (leaving on the same aircraft with the same flight number), crew members working on the flight and children under two years of age. Its price varies according to the destination of the flight. A discount of 40% on the base fare is applied for connecting passengers. Revenue from passenger fees stood at €616 million in 2022 compared with €273 million in 2021; ◆ the landing fee is received in return for the use by an aircraft of the airport infrastructure and equipment necessary for landing, take-off and taxiing. They are calculated according

to the certified maximum take-off weight of the aircraft and adjusted according to the aircraft’s noise-rating classification and the nocturnal or daytime landing timetable. Revenue from landing fees was €232 million in 2022 compared to €147 million in 2021; ◆ the parking fee depends on the duration of the parking, the maximum certified take-off weight of the aircraft and the characteristics of the parking area: area in contact with a terminal, remote area or parking area. Revenue from parking fees amounted to €156 million in 2022 compared with €107 million in 2021. The landing fee, parking fee and passenger fee are presented in the consolidated financial statements as revenue under the item “Airport fees 3 ”. The income from airport fees for 2022 stood at €1,004 million (€527 million in 2021). ANCILLARY FEES The ancillary fees are as follows: ◆ the fee for providing check-in counters, boarding facilities, and local baggage handling facilities comprises a fixed portion, based on the number of counters used, and a variable portion

1 See also Section “Security”. 2 See also Chapter 4 “Non-financial performance statement”.

3 See Section 5.2.2 “Aviation activities”.



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