ADP // 2021 Universal Registration Document



However, on 9 November 2020, the Administrative Court of Montreuil decided to partially cancel the environmental authorisation for the CDG Express project. In March 2021, the Paris Administrative Court of Appeal granted a stay of execution of this decision, which made it possible to resume all construction. A decision on the merits is expected in early 2022. Nevertheless, the shutdown for a few months of the CDG Express construction sites, which are directly related to all the works on the rail axis of the North of the Paris region, led to the postponement of all these works. In order to limit the disruption for everyday travellers, the Government decided on 4 November to postpone the project again, setting its commissioning in early 2027 subject to a favourable court decision. Investment programs The main investments at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport in 2021 are described in Chapter 5 The 2022-2024 projected investment programme for the regulated scope includes: ◆ the rehabilitation of runway 1 and the associated aircraft taxiways. These investments aim to deal with the ageing of the infrastructure and to maintain the safety and compliance of the runway; ◆ the continuation of the rainwater project with, on the one hand, the extension of the rainwater discharge pipe to the Marne and, on the other hand, the resumption of the Seine watershed project, which aims to meet the storage and treatment needs to the west of the platform; ◆ the completion of the junction of terminal 1 satellites 1, 2 and 3 of, the reconfiguration of the central body of the terminal, as well as the construction of a link between satellites 1 and 7 and the reconfiguration of satellite 5, in order to accommodate Schengen traffic. These investments will streamline the operation of the terminal and make passenger journeys simpler and smoother. They will bring improvements in flexibility, operational robustness and quality of service. They will also reduce operating costs for both the company and airlines; ◆ the study and start of work to implement a mechanised baggage transport link between the sorter of terminal 2E (TME) and that of satellites S3 and S4 (TBS3S4). In addition, in order to guarantee the safety and robustness of the facilities at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport, special emphasis will be placed on investments to maintain the portfolio. In addition to investments dedicated to runways, this involves, for example, the replacement of the central body of terminal 2E and the alignment of the 2D terminal with the BD link. In addition, it is planned to dedicate resources to improving road access, with the looping of the Francilienne that the French government intends to carry out, to targeted customer satisfaction operations, and to sustainable development, notably with geothermal energy projects. Investments are also planned to improve parking and mobility options.

This development, rethinking the airport through flows and networks, aims in particular to increase the share of long distance trains in the origin of passengers as well as to facilitate travel within the platform and promote connections with public transport to improve accessibility for employees, passengers and commuters. By 2025, the Group aims to increase the number of train-plane connecting passengers at Paris-Charles de Gaulle by 50%. CDG Express In January 2014, Frédéric Cuvillier, the French Minister responsible for Transportation, Oceans and Fisheries, announced during his visit to Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport with Augustin de Romanet, Chairman and CEO of Aéroports de Paris, the relaunch of the CDG Express project, which will link the airport to the Gare de l’Est in 20 minutes, via the creation of a consultancy bringing together the government, SNCF Réseau and Aéroports de Paris. This design company, called CDG Express Études, was created on 28 May 2014 and carried out or had carried out all the studies necessary for the creation of the direct rail link between Paris and Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport. The Government has taken structuring decisions based on the studies completed. Thus, in accordance with Law no. 2016-1887 of 28 December 2016 on the rail link between Paris (Gare de l’Est) and the transfer module at terminal 2 of Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport, in February 2019, the government entered into a works concession contract with Gestionnaire d’Infrastructure CDG Express, a subsidiary equally owned by SNCF Réseau, Aéroports de Paris and Caisse des Dépôts. Under the terms of this contract, the French State granted a concession to Gestionnaire d’Infrastructure CDG Express for the design, financing, development or construction, operation and maintenance, including servicing and renovation, of rail infrastructure intended for the operation of public transport service between Paris and Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport. In parallel, in July 2019, the French State signed a public service contract with Hello Paris, a subsidiary equally owned by Kéolis and RATP Dev, to operate the future link. The CDG Express project represents an investment of €2.2 billion, which is financed by a loan from the French State for a maximum of €1.8 billion approved in the French Finance law for 2020 and by equity contributions of around €400 million equally divided among the three shareholders. To repay the loan, the Infrastructure Manager will benefit from fees paid by the rail operator. In accordance with the amended Finance law for 2016, it will also benefit from the special “CDG Express” contribution of a maximum of €1.4 per air passenger, excluding connecting passengers, paid by the airlines that use Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport from the time the link is commissioned. At end-2021, close to one billion in works had been completed across the entire project, including works at the airport site (offset of a road network finalised, digging of a tunnel under the runways ongoing and works at the CDG 2 station ongoing). The CDG Express project was initially scheduled to be commissioned end-2023. However, the Government decided in May 2019 to defer its commissioning to end-2025 in order to limit the impact of the works on existing traffic. It is planned to draw up an amendment to the works concession contract to include this deferment.




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