2021 Universal Registration Document
Social responsibility: a committed and responsible Group
students in 2021, compared with 557 in 2020 (41.7% of scope: France). The employee turnover rate across the Group as a whole is 16%. It was higher than in 2020 but lower than in 2019 and 2018 (13.6% in 2020, 17.7% in 2019 and 16.9% in 2018). Dismissals accounted for 6.9% of total employees leaving the Group. The employee turnover rate in France is 13.1%. It was higher than in 2020 but lower than in 2019 and 2018 (10.1% in 2020, 15.9% in 2019 and 16.2% in 2018). Dismissals accounted for 3.3% of total employees leaving, compared 2.4% in 2020.
The proportion of permanent contracts was higher than it had been in the previous four years (up 1.3 points since 2018) while that of temporary contracts continued to decline (down 1.1 points in 4 years). This confirms the Group’s longstanding commitment to offer stable jobs while promoting access to employment for young people on permanent contracts and work-linked training (94.8% of fixed-term contracts were for work-linked training students, versus 100% in 2020). 2022 recruitment targets 11,000 new hires across the Group. p 3,800 new hires in France. p
Key employment figures
Total workforce (acquisitions included)
44,114 42,614 95.7%
46,245 44,230 96.1%
45,960 43,989 96.7%
47,437 45,852 97.0%
Total FTE (excluding interns)
Permanent contracts Temporary contracts Full-time workforce Part-time workforce
Average length of service for employees on permanent contracts (in years) Average age of employees on permanent contracts (in years)
The delayed resumption of recruitment and the decline in employee three years), as was their average length of service (up 0.4 point in turnover meant the average age of employees on permanent three years). The distribution by age bracket is evenly contracts was slightly higher than in previous years (up 1 point in balanced between under-30s and over-50s.
Age <30
25.6% 55.1% 19.3%
25.8% 54.7% 19.5%
21.3% 57.2% 21.8%
Regional impact 2.4. Reinforcing the Group’s positive regional impact
These policies form part of a long-term strategy aimed at ensuring the transparency of our HR practices. They are broken down as follows: our employer brand policy is delivered through p communications activities aimed at promoting and boosting the appeal of Sopra Steria’s employer promise among candidates and employees (benefits in kind, job opportunities, work environment, training, management support, etc.). These activities are underpinned by four pillars that form the core of the Group’s employee value proposition: working together, reaching one’s potential, being enterprising and innovative, and having a shared sense of purpose; our recruitment policy is based on the principles of equal p opportunity and non-discrimination. Recruitment policy is aligned with new uses for digital technology and the transparency sought by today’s jobseekers. This proactive policy contributes to the national effort to foster access to employment for young people by taking on young graduates, interns and work-linked training students, and through retraining programmes in the digital field with the promise of employment. These tailored retraining paths are offered to people in long-term unemployment. Part of our recruitment activity is also aimed at increasing the proportion of experienced professionals in our workforce, particularly in roles requiring rare skills where there is a shortage of suitable candidates; our retention policy seeks to meet employees’ expectations and p needs by offering a supportive work environment where everyone can flourish, be in control of their career and feel able to be themselves;
The Group is a benchmark employer. It has a significant impact on regions and communities, given its size and its local roots. It is also a major recruiter in regions where it operates (see section 2.3, “Employment policy for professional excellence”, page 108). Sopra Steria also ensures that, in developing its business, it takes into account the economic, workforce-related and environmental challenges faced by the regions in which the Group operates. As a responsible company, the Group takes action to support, in particular, struggling and highly vulnerable populations, drawing on the whole of its stakeholder community. Attracting and retaining more 2.5. talent The Group’s ambition is to attract the best professionals and anticipate future skills requirements through a broad training offering. Employee engagement, motivation and skills are key factors in the Group’s success and depend on its ability to attract and retain talent. As the pace of digitalisation quickened as a result of the Covid crisis, the battle for talent intensified in 2021. Against this backdrop, the Group continued to strengthen its policies in terms of employer brand, recruitment, retention and compensation.
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