EXEL industries - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Management report 3

Statement of Non-Financial Performance

€27,000 and €36,000 gross annually were awarded a bonus on a sliding scale with a minimum amount of €100. In France, 60% of EXEL Industries employees received the bonus. As an international family group, and in the belief that solidarity goes beyond national borders, EXEL Industries extended the bonus to its international employees in accordance with local rules.

Intellectual capital Paragraph c 3.3.1 of the Universal Registration Document spells out the importance of intellectual capital. Through its policies as to patents, its R&D expenditure, its collaboration with universities and engineering schools, and through its partnerships with start-ups, individual entrepreneurs and incubators, EXEL Industries has prized its image as an innovative group.

3.4.3 Our non- fi nancial risks

EXEL Industries reviewed the risks that could potentially have a material adverse e ff ect on its business, fi nancial position or results (or its ability to meet its targets). Every year, EXEL Industries companies undertake an in-house analysis of threats and opportunities at the time of their budget presentations to the EXEL Industries group. A Group level project team overseen by the EXEL Industries CEO has been formed. Its members include the strategic leaders of the Group’s four businesses alongwith other members of the senior management team and the directors of EXEL Industries sta ff departments. The group works by means of individual assessments by each participant that are shared iteratively among the group. This work resulted in a map of all the risks faced by the Group. The map has been prepared by taking account of a risk matrix measuring severity and likelihood as well as the assessments carried out by every EXEL Industries group entity in their threats and opportunities exercise. This risk analysis is presented to EXEL Industries group’s Audit Committee. The risk map includes the non- fi nancial risks discussed below. In an environment where human resources are becoming scarce and there is hyper-competition among workplaces and some of the Group’s business activities are being questioned by politicians and the media, Human Capital represents a key resource for EXEL Industries group. Accordingly, the Group strives to attract tomorrow’s talents to assist in its development and allow its current employees to have a work environment well suited to the e ff ectiveness of its organizations and teams through training programs, to feel at home and respected in that environment, and to give jobs to as many as possible, never losing sight of diversity in all its aspects. In particular, the main risks identi fi ed are: „ Attractiveness : our companies, all in the manufacturing sector and of intermediate size, face the major challenge of making candidates want to come and work for us. Developing apprenticeships, close relationships with schools, ties to associations, and seeking out people with various, varied and unusual backgrounds are responses made to this risk. „ Maintenance and development of skills : multiple, varied e ff orts must be made to help employees after they have joined our companies. In-house and outsourced training, throughout one’s career, is one of the Group’s considered responses. Employment and society The risks identi fi ed in this area involve several elements.

„ Workplace health and safety : wellbeing at work, control of absenteeism andworkplace accidents constitute major challenges for our Group and its companies. The workplace safety of our temporaryworkers is nowmonitored through reports on the work- related accidents they may experience. The environment The main environmental areas where our activities run risks are identi fi ed as: „ Ground and air pollution By 2050, the world population will reach almost 10 c billion inhabitants. In order to feed this larger population, agricultural productionwill have to increase signi fi cantly. EXEL Industries is a company committed to helping farmers combats the three major scourges in agriculture: plant diseases (viruses and fungi), attacking insects, invasive weeds. Since its businesses involve spraying, EXEL Industries has for many years dealt with the risks related to restrictions on using phytosanitary products. The products applied by our agricultural sprayers are phytosanitary products with a synthetic or natural origin. They notably include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and liquid fertilizers made to combat these diseases. These products are increasingly decried, subject to strict regulations and in certain cases are destined to disappear ( e.g . the Labbé law and the controversy surrounding Glyphosate) and will be replaced by alternative products. The challenge facing agriculture is to feed the planet’s increasing population (11 c billion people by 2100) whilst respecting the environment. In order to help achieve this dual target, EXEL Industries’ research and innovations are increasingly directed towards more precision sprayers to enable doses of chemical or natural origin products to be reduced by 30-50%whilst increasing yields. Research and innovation combined with visual recognition, drone and GPS mapping technologies and the use of data are the ways forward for a productive and environmentally-friendly agriculture. Our Consumer activity, in its spraying aspect, is also a ff ected by issues of this type. Industrial Spraying is constantly striving for greater e ff ectiveness in its innovations and for improved transfer rates (the fraction of paint actually applied to the target). „ Respect for biodiversity and limitations on soil compaction Farming that respects the environment will preserve the soil; i.e. , it will respect biodiversity and limitations on soil compaction. EXEL Industries designs light machines, uses newpneumatic technologies to reduce pressure on the ground, and o ff ers innovative solutions such as rear wheels on the machines that do not compact the soil in the tracks made by the front wheels.

EXEL Industries Group I 2019 Universal Registration Document 28

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