EXEL industries - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Management report

Statement of Non-Financial Performance

The variety of our solutions enables us to operate over an extremely broad scope in a great many industrial markets. The products developed by the subsidiaries of EXEL Industries make it possible to have higher e ffi ciency rates in painting, to avoid waste and cause less pollution.

„ Industrial Spraying The Group’s Industrial Spraying activity comprises the following subsidiaries: SAMES KREMLIN and TRICOFLEX. Through its products, EXEL Industries provides its customers with a full set of solutions and services in the areas of protection, material fi nishing and lubrication.

Key fi gures

Permanent employees as of 09/30/2019

Sales (in € ƭ millions)

Production sites


Agricultural Spraying




Sugar Beet Harvesters




Garden Watering and Spraying




Industrial Spraying




EXEL Industries is a familyGroup forwhomhuman values have always been very important. Those values call for respect, transparency, openness, initiative and team spirit. Our organizations are simple and responsive. They allow everyone to fi t in and develop talented and passionate people and entrepreneurship. Non- fi nancial resources of the Group EXEL Industries’ origin as a family Group fi rmly ties it to human values. Human capital is treated with the utmost care. The subsidiaries operate as SMEs with a CEO who runs each business with its own Management Committee and its own Human Resources sta ff , who provide company operations with a vision of employee relations and human resources development. The Group’s three areas of development focus mentioned in the previous paragraph are aligned with its eight values, which are: „ Customer Care;

Strategic thrusts of our development The Group’s areas of strategic development focus have been set by

the senior management team. „ CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE

The customer feels at home with us. The contact is personal, unique and memorable. We work together, on the same team. We understand theirneeds anddeployallourskills inordertomeet them. Interactions with our customers are flexible, uncomplicated and focused on their needs. Familiarity with the customer and understandingwhat is on his mind arewhat inspire our innovation, our product/market pairs, our logistics and our services. Our employees are engaged and value this customer relationship. We want our customers to use our products with pride and to work with us. „ USEFUL INNOVATION O ff ering product and service innovations that give our clients and users true added value. From our Company’s very beginning, we have been innovation leaders in spraying and pioneers in the use of new technologies. Aware of its environmental and regulatory issues, EXEL Industries is more than ever committed to the research and development of “smart” technical solutions to increase spraying accuracy. These real- world solutions must continue to be easy to use and a ff ordable for all of our customers. Our innovations are unique and respond both to our customers’ needs and to environmental and fi nancial issues. „ INTERNATIONAL GROWTH Continuing our expansion, by organic growth and by acquisitions, in the countries where there is growth potential for our businesses. EXEL Industries has had an international focus for several years now. Our sales outside of France account for nearly 80% of our revenue. With the acquisition of ET Works in 2016, the Group strengthened its presence in the United States, which is now of equal weight with France. At the same time, each of our businesses has identified opportunities for geographic growth such as Asia for agricultural businesses or Europe (apart from the UK) for Garden Watering and Spraying. The ambitions of EXEL Industries are global. „ PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST People are the focus of our customer relationships and of our Company. We emphasize close contact, communication and simplicity.

„ Love of product, Innovation; „ Excellence, Professionalism; „ Trust, Initiative; „ Openness, Transparency; „ Team spirit;

„ Pride in belonging; „ Acting responsibly.

The centralizedmanagement tools developed and proven over many years in the training of all new Group managers, in tracking skills and in internal communications through the circulation and sharing of successes by individuals in our companies are important pillars of the Group. Because of its respect for cultures and individuals, EXEL Industries is very able to consolidate its acquisitions and make them pro fi table. In January c 2019, in keepingwith its values and at the initiative of the Ballu family, EXEL Industries’ majority shareholder , and the Board of Directors, the Company paid an exceptional solidarity bonus to its lowest paid employees to boost their spending power. This was a bonus of €1,000 for all French employees earning less than €27,000 gross annually. French employees earning between

EXEL Industries Group I 2019 Universal Registration Document


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