technicolor - 2019 Universal registration document


Chairperson of the Board of Directors Ms. Anne Bouverot Powers vested by law organizes and directs the work of the Board, reporting thereon to the Annual General Meeting; • ensures the proper functioning of the Company’s management bodies; and •

ensures Directors are capable of performing their duties. • Additional powers arising from Internal Board Regulations regularly consulted by the Chief Executive Officer on all events of significance regarding the Group’s strategy, external growth projects or • financial transactions; monitors extraordinary transactions (external and internal) affecting the Group’s scope of consolidation or structure; • monitors the implementation of the strategic plans decided by the Board; • organizes her activity so as to ensure that she is available and that she shares her market knowledge and extensive experience with the Chief • Executive Officer (at the Chief Executive Officer’s invitation, the Chairperson may attend internal meetings with Company executives and teams, so as to share her opinion on strategic issues); meets the main executives of the Group; • has sole authority, among Directors, to meet investors on behalf of the Company during roadshows and one-to-one meetings, so as to discuss • long-term strategy, governance and compensation matters of the Company, it being understood that any such discussions should be in the presence of a Company’s representative (Head of Investor Relations, the Board Secretary, etc .) and that the Chairperson shall update the Board on any such discussions. The Chair’s duties is to chair the Board of Directors and this is a non-executive role. Chief Executive Officer Mr. Richard Moat Powers vested by law Empowered with the broadest powers to act in any circumstances on behalf of the Company, subject to limitations imposed by the corporate purpose and those matters expressly reserved by law to the General Shareholders’ Meeting or the Board of Directors. Limits imposed by Board Internal Regulations prior authorization by the Board for certain strategic decisions (see above). • Additional powers specific annual authorization from the Board to issue warranties and guarantees in the name of the Company up to a certain amount. • promotes the values and image of Technicolor, both internally and externally; • coordinates the work of the Board of Directors with its committees; and •



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