technicolor - 2019 Universal registration document


PROCESS WASTE WATER Within Technicolor’s facilities, 5 sites utilize water within their manufacturing processes. In order to assess the potential environmental impact of the discharge of this treated water, the Group referenced both the European Community (EC) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) criteria for “priority pollutants.” Based upon these lists, and information provided by Technicolor’s sites regarding the parameters that require monitoring and reporting, 13 pollutants were identified on either the EC or EPA list. For 2019, the amount of treated water discharged was 76,244 cubic meters, and the total estimated amount of discharged priority pollutants was 80 kilograms.

WATER HIGHLIGHTS Throughout the year, many sites explored new ways of saving water. Manaus reuses air conditioning condensation for cleaning up outside the buildings, and Melbourne, Rennes, Guadalajara and Manaus sites collect and store rainwater (together they harvested and consumed some 3,203 cubic meters of rainwater in 2019). In non-industrial sites, awareness campaigns and signage are a complement to the refurbishment of toilets with more efficient or sensor driven appliances, as well as equipping faucets with aerators. Dishwashers are selected for their energy efficiency rating and eco-wash cycles are used.


Total discharged (kilograms)

Total per revenue (grams per M€)

2017 2018 2019


18.8 30.8 21.0



In addition, due to effluent characteristics, 3 sites are required to monitor biological oxygen demand (BOD) or chemical oxygen demand (COD), in 2019 an estimated total of 1,301 and 160 kilograms were discharged within process effluent respectively. All above quantities of discharged pollutants are fully compliant with authorized limits. Summary weights of pollutants are calculated using volume-averaged, full year, average concentrations, based on periodic laboratory sampling. Periodic effluent sampling is performed in accordance with local regulatory requirements, and in general pollutants are not monitored continuously. SUSTAINABLE WATER HIGHLIGHTS Regardless of site geographical location, in drought affected areas or in more temperate climates, sites endeavor to reduce their water footprint as well.

To conserve water, equipment upgrades have taken place such as in Melbourne, where the site renovated its cooling tower, changing to higher efficiency fill packs, which improved cooling efficiency while reducing water need, or in Camarillo, where the Microfluidics pilot operation replaced a heat press which used one-time-through city water with a closed system with recirculated process-cooling water. In other sites, aerators in taps or water pipes reduced flow of water for sanitary purposes. On the non-technical side, campaigns to remind staff to make a conservative use of water are in place, as is water-conscious gardening by planting drought resistant species in California, and re-use of condensate water from the air conditioning systems to irrigate an organic garden at Manaus.

Additional environmental aspects 5.5.4

GRI [103-1 Environmental compliance] [103-2 Environmental compliance] [103-3 Environmental compliance]

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a continual cycle of planning, implementing, evaluating and improving practices, processes and procedures to meet environmental obligations and successfully integrate environmental concerns into normal business practices. An effective EMS helps identify and eliminate the causes of potential environmental problems, establish and achieve environmental goals, reduce potential risk and liability, and operate a more effective environmental program.

ISO 14001 is the most widely accepted international standard for an EMS. In today’s global market, participation in the ISO 14001 process is one way for an organization to demonstrate its commitment to the environment. To receive certification, organizations are required to develop detailed plans and procedures to identify, evaluate, quantify, prioritize and monitor environmental impacts of its activities.


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