technicolor - 2018 Registration document
in France, agreements were signed during 2016 with labor • representatives in support of Technicolor’s “Mission Handicap – France” program, which was launched during the second half 2016 and focuses on four critical aspects: increase recruitment of persons with disabilities, provided their competence is in line with the position requirements; encourage job retention and career development of employees with disabilities; develop knowledge and expertise on disability within Technicolor through training and coaching; and increase the use of disabled people from service providers. End of 2018 confirmed 5 persons recruited; in Canada, Technicolor policy recognizes and promotes the hiring of • persons with disability, and all staff participate in awareness sessions or periodic refresher training; in Australia, Technicolor partnered with a disability employment • agency to hire employees with disabilities, and placements are on-going; in the UK, a joint industry network continued under the name of • Access: VFX, with the guiding principle of promoting diversity and inclusion in the VFX industry. The Mill and MPC are both key correspondents in the Access: VFX launch, including hosting seminars and workshops on-site for small groups of targeted individuals. The Mill also participated in two ‘Industry Connect’ speed networking and skills-based events that targeted BAME (Black Asian Minority Ethnic) and talent who are disabled; in Poland, Technicolor extended efforts into families of workers who • care for children with disability, providing increased benefits to the family via the worker in these cases.
in Poland, women candidates make up at least 50% of the short list for • any open permanent position, and the industrial operation actively manages lifestyle expectation concerning shift duration, physical capability, on-site restaurant offerings, and social events. Women are represented in the same proportion as employment for the site’s stakeholder representatives Committee, which reviews operational changes and provides input to management; In Australia, Women in Leadership workshop was held to stimulate • women in leadership roles. Depending on national legislations, legal requirements to integrate disabled persons or to hire a specified number or percentage of disabled employees, and thus the definition of a disabled employee, may strongly vary, or may not even exist. Also, labeling, categorizing, or making a record of an employee as disabled may be legally prevented in certain countries or subject to the individual authorization by each concerned employee who may refuse. Therefore, statistics cannot reflect the reality with accuracy. However, beyond the legal requirements when they exist, Technicolor strives to adapt our working places, including factories, to provide equal employment opportunities with no discrimination against disabled people with regard to hiring, training, allocation of work, promotion, or reward, and seeks to eliminate employment barriers and to accommodate disabled employees. In that regard, employment of disabled is part of our non-discrimination policy, and Technicolor has been and continues to be willing to integrate different needs including modified duties, adapted hours, and adapted workspaces: EMPLOYMENT AND INTEGRATION OF DISABLED PEOPLE
Business transformation and social dialogue 5.2.4
GRI [103-1 Labor/Management relations] [103-2 Labor/Management relations] [103-3 Labor/Management relations] [103-1 Freedom of association and collective bargaining] [103-2 Freedom of association and collective bargaining] [103-3 Freedom of association and collective bargaining]
A transformation plan of the Connected Home segment has been launched to adapt globally this activity and to match with the drastic industry and market changes (see section This plan was implemented worldwide and strives to minimize the impact on the employees. A dialog was engaged with the employees’ representatives, where present, about the transformation plan and its accompanying measures in order to promote a contractual approach. The DVD Services division strives to anticipate the evolution of the DVD markets and to optimize progressively its operation footprint (see section
Due to the continuous changes in the Media & Entertainment industry and its associated Technicolor business divisions (e.g., cinema distribution, dubbing), Technicolor divested in the past years from several domains with the objective to sell such businesses to an external party. When such sale of the impacted activities was not achievable, the Group committed significant resources and support, according to its existing policies, in order to mitigate the impact for the concerned stakeholders. Several activities of the Group are subject to fast changing competitive environments requiring regular adaptation of their organization and of the production tool.
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