Worldline - Registration Document 2016

Corporate and social responsibility report Annex III - Being a responsible employer


testing. outsourcing project with a company specializing in software in partnership with a social inclusion enterprise for an purpose of providing a year of work experience for employees social inclusion clauses for public procurement in France for the at some point in their careers. In 2016, Worldline applied the first the continuous training of the people who have to face disability and “Illunion” in Madrid for the reception desk. businesses, such as “Le petit plus” in Blois for recycling waste In this way, Worldline calls on the services of specialized order to foster the inclusion of disabled people in their teams: Worldline provides all of its employees with training programs in communication between deaf employees and their Sign language lessons are provided to make ● colleagues easier; legislation in 2017. our customers, and prior to expected changes to European employees in order to satisfy the growing expectations of In 2016, 60 people were trained in the inclusion of ● applicants who are permanently or temporarily disabled, and Once again, these initiatives aim to support employees and initiatives have taken place like for instance in Worldline China, both inside and outside of the Company. Thanks to this, some also to encourage people to be open-minded about disability, this topic in countries like Argentina, Spain, Germany and UK Learning Days diversity days took place and a special focus on topics like Noémie Watson from WACG and also during the presence of international references on digital accessibility implemented like the accessibility day counting with the Also, some awareness events on this topic have been diversity. thanks to the promotion of e learning trainings on cultural year-end. of disabled people. This agreement was renewed until 2016 and which concerns the employment and professional inclusion Agreement signed with the French staff representative bodies, In January 2014, Worldline was added to the Group-wide a disabled access friendly office. where the facilities have been transformed with the aim to build better working environment. transfer and the sharing of everyone’s knowledge to foster a Worldline provides conditions that encourage intergenerational development programs have been deployed on a large scale. To enrich the role of every employee in the Company, staff France are having place to promote a closer relation within the Young Worldline in Belgium and the Fresh Connection in development of intergenerational networks. Some programs like Company’s human potential through proximity and the Through these programs, Worldline seeks to develop the digital tools. young employees support more experienced ones in the use of different generations as well as the Reverse Mentoring where Promoting intergenerational A. collaboration [AO6]

29% Women

71% Men


21% > 50

22% < 30

57% 30 - 50


16% < 30

26% > 50

58% 30 - 50


[GRI 405-1] Taking disabled people into account

0.7% and 1% depending on the country. proportion of disabled people hired by Worldline varies between 2016, the percentage of disabled employees was 1.4% and the them interesting jobs that accommodate their disabilities. In bodies. They aim to attract and train disabled people by offering Europe, in collaboration with the employees’ representative Specific programs have been set up on various sites, mostly in In France, Worldline promotes the training of disabled people, not only during their initial training periods, but also as part of



Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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