Worldline - Registration Document 2016

Corporate and social responsibility report Annex III - Building client’s trust with fully available and secured platforms and reinforcing value for clients

be amongst the first companies to bring them to market. university labs and teams with which Worldline employees join forces to discover next-generation technologies and services to Projects can only be launched internally or with the support of These bonds are also present with the major industrial and service players with which Worldline collaborates on national conductivity biometric authentication system that Worldline developed with Gemalto, STMicroelectronics and others. and European programs like H20 (following on from the eGo program on which Worldline had previously worked), a skin Incremental Innovation A part of Worldline’s innovations represents improvements on existing services and processes that Worldline develops in the course of its day-to-day work with clients. Existing solutions are engaged roadmap enhanced Worldline’s ability to proactively design, offer and implement solutions that solve issues and client oriented approach fosters a culture of trust and intimacy that allows to better understand client needs and issues. The improved and new services are developed in response to changing business and market trends. Worldline believes that its furnish the means to improve existing processes for the clients. approach to the design and development of solutions are a valuable asset which enables it to offer its solutions in new markets by applying the feedback it receives in one market to Worldline’s presence in multiple markets and its end-to-end innovative offering of multi-device consumer cloud solutions using convergent messaging technology. Worldline’s of Worldline’s offering in the telecommunications sector which grew from basic webmail services to a more advanced and other markets. For example, one of the incremental innovation processes that have emerged from this strategy is the evolution illustrated by Worldline’s connected trucks applications, which have been built upon its earlier experience with connected cars. cross-fertilization within its connected vehicles’ business, as incremental approach to innovation has also led to “non-critical” developments and share risk to bring the innovation to the point where it can be more broadly marketed their adoption. In these areas, Worldline often partners with other companies with relevant expertise to accelerate some clients and markets them through client innovation workshops, “proof-of-concept” demonstrations and other means to promote customers’ current and future issues from a new standpoint, from a new angle. Worldline then adapts its innovations to its First, Worldline develops disruptive technology that solves innovations. Worldline believes in having the potential to create new markets that displace earlier technologies and approaches. activities of its existing clients, it also focuses its research and development efforts on proactively developing disruptive While Worldline continues to innovate and upgrade the business from this strategy include Worldline’s early and proactive development of BlockChain technology. Since this technology can be applied to many different markets and uses, Worldline Examples of disruptive innovation processes that have emerged combined its experts and engineers in one common workforce, primarily focusing on: training teams to work with the to target clients. Worldline has a twofold approach to innovate: Disruptive Innovation

BlockChain technology, such as the management of financial obligations, blacklists, digital identification and the management in the data traceability/accountability, yet preserving privacy. of vehicle service manuals were developed. Those new implementations, thanks to this technology, are valuable assets physical use of this crypto-currency. Other uses of the projects integrated BitCoin payments into SIPS (Worldline on-line payment solution) and with Worldline terminals to enable technology, sharing information, market requests and customer interests, and pooling work and developments. The very first


customer’s experience [GRI 102-44] Permanent improvement of

Company strives to build strong relationships with its customers in order to understand their objectives and to embrace their Experience Program is built on that foundation. That is why the culture and values, to add value to their business working together to achieve these objectives. Listening to and addressing the expectations of its customers is at the heart of Worldline’s business. The Worldline Customer In this context, customer satisfaction surveys are conducted on a regular basis and results are used to analyze whether changes need to be made in Worldline’s business processes to increase its customers’ overall satisfaction and loyalty: satisfaction; It allows Worldline to consistently measure customer ● upon; It provides baselines for each customer contract to improve ● It identifies generic areas of concern to be addressed; ● It supports communication to all stakeholders ● demonstrating Worldline’s commitment to sustainability. collaboration with the customers. The outcome of the surveys leads to a set of fit for purpose improvement plans elaborated and implemented in close Support to drive a harmonized customer satisfaction management. leadership of the Atos Head of Quality and the Customer Satisfaction Officer and the Head of Sales and Marketing In 2012, a worldwide initiative was launched under the Since 2013, Atos group has further enhanced its customer satisfaction management by systematic development of actions and organizes strong interactions with the customers to follow the client satisfaction process. part of Atos group, Worldline is deeply involved in the initiative following each survey, associated plan being shared with Clients to secure that Atos group properly responded their feedback. As More than 60% of Worldline’s contracts are surveyed once per year. The survey targets IT management, IT coordinators and contract managers. Using a proven methodology aligned with leading expertise from Gartner, Satmetrix and Forrester, needs of our clients. Worldline uses the measured satisfaction together with service KPIs to help drive continual improvement and address the Customer satisfaction process



Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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