Worldline - Registration Document 2016


Additional Information Share Capital and other information subject to shareholder’s approval

Shares controlled by the Company, Treasury Shares and purchase by


the Company of its own shares

from May 25, 2015, to implement a program to buy back the Company’s shares within the framework of the provisions of article L. 225-209 of the French Commercial Code, under the following terms and conditions: The Ordinary and Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 26, 2016 authorized the Board of Directors, for 18 months as

Transaction Concerned

Duration of Authorization

Maximum Amount

Maximum Number of Shares

Share buyback program

18 months

€ 475 million 10% of the Company’s share capital

executive officers and Directors of the Company or affiliated companies; To remit the shares acquired upon the exercise of the rights ● attached to securities giving the right to the attribution of To cancel them as a whole or in part through a reduction of ● the share capital. This authorization is also intended to allow the Company to trade in own shares for any other authorized purpose or which release. subsequently be admitted as market practice by the AMF. In such case, the Company shall inform its shareholders by press The maximum purchase price per share is fixed at € 36, excluding acquisition costs. would subsequently enjoy a legitimacy presumption under the relevant legal and regulatory provisions or that may shares of the Company;

for the following purposes: outside of tender offer periods, and by any means, in particular These shares may be acquired for the following purposes at any time to the extent permitted under applicable law or regulations, exchange in the context of possible external growth operations, in the respect of market practices as agreed by To keep them and subsequently use them for payment or ● exceed 5% of the share capital; the AMF, being precised that the maximum number of actions acquired by the Company for this purpose cannot Directors or to the employees of the Company and/or companies which are affiliated to the Company in To attribute or sell these shares to the executive officers and ● purchase option regime, (iii) the free share issuance regime and (iv) a company savings plan; connection with (i) profit-sharing plans, (ii) the share Generally, to satisfy obligations relating to stock options ● plans or other allocations of shares to the employees or

Liquidity contract


Please refer to Section 18.6 “Liquidity contract” for a description of the liquidity contract entered into with Rothschild & Cie Banque.

Information on stock


Number of shares


Sector classification

Information Technology

Main index

CAC AllShares

Other indices

SBF 120, CAC Industrials, CAC Sup. Services


Euronext Paris Segment A Euronext Paris (France)

Trading place


WLN (Euronext) FR0011981968


Payability PEA/SRD


The shares of the Group have been included in the SBF120 index from March 21, 2016.


Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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