Worldline - Registration Document 2016


Additional Information

shareholder’s approval Share Capital and other information subject to 21.1 236 Subscribed Share Capital 21.1.1 236

that is the Subject of an Option or of an Share Capital of any company of the Group 21.1.9 Agreement to Put it under Option History of the Company’s Share Capital 21.1.10 252 Corporate Purpose (article 2 of the Bylaws) 21.2.1 252 Fiscal Year (article 36 of the Bylaws) 21.2.2 253 Board of Directors and senior management 21.2.3 253 248 248 249 Share trading performance 21.1.11 Attached to Shares Rights, Privileges and Restrictions 21.2.4 39 of the Bylaws) Financial Statements (articles 37, 38 and 21.2.5 254 255

shareholders’ approval and other information subject to Share caplital authorized but not issued 21.1.2 Shares controlled by the Company, 21.1.3


Constitutive Documents and Bylaws 21.2

Company of its own shares Treasury Shares and purchase by the

246 246 246 247

Liquidity contract 21.1.4 Information on stock 21.1.5

Securities Not Representing Share Capital 21.1.6 Capital Other Securities Giving Access to Share 21.1.7 Acquisition and/or any Obligation Terms Governing any Right of 21.1.8


Capital Attached to Subscribed but not Paid-Up


shareholder’s approval Share Capital and other information subject to 21.1

Subscribed Share Capital


Paris since June 27, 2014. The shares are not listed on any other

As of the date of this Registration Document, the Company’s of par value € 0.68, fully subscribed and paid-up, and all of the share capital is € 90,077,530.08, divided into 132,466,956 shares same class. under code ISIN FR0011981968. The shares have been listed in Worldline SA shares are traded on the Paris Euronext Market

stock exchange.

subject of a pledge. As of the date of the registration of this Registration Document, no share comprising the share capital of the Company is the


Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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