Worldline - Registration Document 2016


Principal shareholders Shareholders’ Voting Rights

Shareholders’ Voting Rights 18.5

Each share of the Company entitles its holder to one vote, subject to the existence of double voting rights.

Control Structure 18.6

As of the date of this Registration Document, Atos SE has exclusive control of the Company. However, measures have been taken to ensure that Atos SE does not abuse its status as controlling shareholder of the Company. To

Code, representing one-third of the Company’s Directors, in conformity with the AFEP-MEDEF Code’s recommendations. this end, the Company has appointed three Independent Directors in accordance with the criteria established by the AFEP-MEDEF

Treasury stock and Liquidity contract 18.7

Treasury Stock


As at December 31, 2016, the Company owned none of its own shares.

Liquidity contract 18.7.2

the implementation of a liquidity contract compliant with the Ethics Charter of the AMAFI. € 2.5 million were allocated for this purpose to the implementation of this contract. By contract dated July 28, 2014, Worldline SA entrusted Rothschild & Cie Bank, for a one-year period, renewable by tacit consent, with The transactions carried out in 2016 under the liquidity contract are as follows:

Cumulated gross flows as at December 31, 2016

Cumulated Purchases

Cumulated Sales

Number of Shares





Average Sale/Purchase price (in €) Total Amount of Purchases/Sales (in €)



Agreements Likely to Lead to a Change in Control 18.8



Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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