Worldline - Registration Document 2016

Practices of administrative and management bodies Internal Control

Internal Control 16.6

[GRI 103-3 Socioeconomic compliance] and [GRI 419-1] [GRI 102-16] [GRI 102-17] [GRI 103-1 Anti corruption] Systemof Internal Control [GRI 102-25] [GRI 102-33] [GRI 102-34]


Executive Committee andManagement Committees

Marchés Financiers). reference framework prescribed by the AMF (Autorité des The internal control system relies on the internal control the AMF. financial information, in compliance with the application guide of given to the internal control system relating to accounting and internal control system of Worldline. Specific attention has been used to describe in a structured manner the components of the The “general principles” section of the AMF framework has been


Group. control system and defines strategic orientations to develop the General management defines the framework of the internal responsible for implementing and monitoring the internal the Group. Management Committees, at different levels, are control system within their respective areas of responsibility. The Executive Committee leads the operational performance of

Audit, Risk andCompliance (ARC) Committee

Internal control definition and

related to identified weaknesses or potential risks. conclusions with local management, and to review action plans Internal Control topics. Its purpose is to share the main audit Internal Audit, in order to strengthen the local supervision of The ARC has been setup under the supervision of Group


ensure: Internal control system designed throughout the Group aims to compliance with applicable laws and regulations; ● by general management; application of instructions and directional guidelines settled ● particularly those implicating the safeguarding of its assets; correct functioning of company’s internal processes ● reliability of financial information. ● One of the objectives of internal control procedures is to system, this mechanism can only provide reasonable assurance accounting and financial areas. As for any internal control prevent and control risks of error and fraud, in particular in the

Operational Control

throughout the Group. Group’s clients. It also deploys internal control initiatives create and maintain strong relationships of trust with the quality, compliance and operational governance in order to The role of Operational Control is to guide overall security,

Internal Audit

recommendations resulting therefrom. Internal Audit remains in coordination between internal and external control. contact with the statutory auditors to ensure effective of the audit plan, the mission objectives and the results and The Audit Committee receives regular reports on the execution control over key challenges. compliance with international standards and IA’s degree of Internal Audit (IA) function in organizations, the level of IFACI certification. This accreditation attests to the quality of the obtained the renewal of the French Institute for Internal Audit’s In 2016, the Internal Audit department of the Atos group function globally in accordance with consistent methodology. Internal Audit is outsourced to the Atos group in order to

and not an absolute guarantee against these risks.

Internal control systemplayers

control procedures at Worldline are as follows: The main bodies involved in the implementation of internal

Board of Directors supported byAudit Committee Board’s role supported by its committees. Those committees The Board of Directors prepares governance rules detailing the system. The Audit Committee, in particular, is informed of the enlighten the Board as to the quality of the internal control content and the implementation of internal control procedures implementation of the Internal Control System. information and stays informed about the proper used to ensure the reliability and accuracy of financial

Components of the internal control


Organization/control environment

main components are presented in this section. internal control system and the fundamentals of the Group. The procedures and practices) represent the ground layer of the The organization, competencies, systems and policies (methods,


Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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