Worldline - Registration Document 2016
Administrative, management and senior management and supervisory bodies
Executive Committee 14.1.4
bodies Composition of management and supervisory 14.1 121
and senior management Statement Regarding the Board of Directors 14.1.5 130
January 1, 2017 onwards Composition of the Board of Directors from 14.1.1 Composition of the Board of Directors 14.1.2
Conflicts of Interest 14.2
121 122
Senior management 14.1.3
and [GRI 405-1] bodies [GRI 102-18] [GRI 102-22] [GRI 102-23] Composition of management and supervisory 14.1
the Board of Directors, as well as a summary of the main the Company’s bylaws relating to the functioning and powers of with a Board of Directors. A description of the main provisions of The Company is a limited liability corporation (société anonyme)
Chapter 21, “Additional Information”. “Practices of administrative and management bodies” and in and of the special Board committees, are included in Chapter 16, provisions of the Internal Regulations of the Board of Directors
Composition of the Board of Directors fromJanuary 1, 2017 onwards
the remainder of Mr. Dehelly and Mr. Proch’s mandates, i.e. until Ms. Houssiaux and Ms. Lagarde were appointed as Directors for Worldline shareholders which will be held in 2017. ratification of the Combined Annual General Meeting of accounts in 2018. These appointments are subject to the after the General Meeting which is called to rule on the 2017 n°2011-103 of January 27, 2011. surpassing the threshold of 40% of women set out in the Law Board of Directors are women, i.e. 44% of the members, thus Since January 1, 2017, four out of the total nine members of the
Lang Lasalle. currently Chief Human Resources Officer EMEA au sein de John Resources, executive management of the Atos group and Danielle Lagarde, formerly Senior Vice President Human Houssiaux, Head of Big Data and Security R&D at Atos, and Ms. new Directors with effect on January 1, 2017: Ms. Sophie the Nomination and Compensation Committee, appointed two December 12, 2016, upon proposal by Atos and after review by The Company’s Board of Directors, during its meeting held on Company’s IPO. praised their remarkable contribution to its work since the Directors, Mr. Charles Dehelly and Mr. Michel-Alain Proch, and The Board also registered the resignations of two Worldline
Worldline 2016 Registration Document
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