Worldline - Registration Document 2016
Operation and financial review Non-IFRS financial measures
Non-IFRS financial measures 9.12
detailed in the table below. The following table provides a margin the impact of depreciation and certain other expenses In addition to IFRS measures, the Group uses an additional performance measure, operating margin before depreciation and amortization (OMDA), which excludes from operating
definitions given to the same term by other companies. OMDA should not be used in lieu of IFRS measures. non-IFRS measure and has no standard definition. As a result, the definition used by the Group may not correspond to the reconciliation of OMDA to operating margin. OMDA is a
The following table provides a reconciliation of OMDA to Operating Margin, on a consolidated basis.
December 31, 2016 12 months ended
December 31, 2015* 12 months ended
(in € million)
Operating margin
+ Depreciation of fixed assets
3.8 6.6
+ Net book value of assets sold/written off +/- Net charge/(release) of pension provisions
7.3 3.0
0.7 5.2 0.6
-2.2 -3.4
+/- Net charge/(release) of provisions
December 31, 2015 adjusted to reflect change in presentation disclosed in Note “Accounting Rules and policies”. *
Depreciation costs remained relatively stable between 2015 and 2016 at approximately 4.1% and 4.2% of revenue respectively.
Free Cash Flow 9.12.2
In addition to cash flow calculated in accordance with IFRS, the Group presents the non-IFRS indicators “Operating Cash Flow” and “Free Cash Flow”. These indicators are calculated based on OMDA, which is calculated as described above. Cash Flow, for the periods indicated. The following table sets forth a reconciliation of OMDA to Cash Flow from Operation, and then from Cash Flow from Operation to Free
12 months ended December 31, 2016
12 months ended December 31, 2015
(in € million)
Operating Margin before Depreciation and Amortization (OMDA)
Capital expenditures
-85.3 37.3 210.7 -39.1
-67.0 11.9 180.2 -29.9
Change in working capital requirement
Cash from operation (CFO)
Taxes paid
Net cost of financial debt paid
-0.6 -5.2 -4.1 -9.9 -1.3
-1.4 -6.5 -6.2 -1.1 -1.8 -4.8
Reorganization in other operating income
Rationalization & associated costs in other operating income
Integration and acquisition costs
Net financial investments 1
Other changes 2
Free Cash Flow
Net Long term financial investments.
and acquisition costs), dividends paid to non-controlling interests and other financial items with cash impact. “Other changes” include other operating income with cash impact (excluding reorganization, rationalization and associated costs, integration costs 2
Worldline 2016 Registration Document
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