Worldline - 2020 Universal Registration Document
EXTRA-FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF PERFORMANCE Integrating sustainability into Worldline’s business
The Group’s social and environmental responsibility ● commitments in light of the challenges specific to the Group’s business and objectives; The evaluation of the risks and opportunities with regard to ● social and environmental performance; Social and environmental policies taking into account their ● impact in terms of economic performance; The annual statement on extra-financial performance; ● The summary of ratings awarded to the Group by rating ● agencies and in extra-financial analysis; and The reflection on the new TRUST 2025 plan being ● developed to define the new plan for Worldline’s corporate responsibility initiatives. Furthermore, Worldline’s climate strategy is also tackled by this Committee. Firstly, the extra financial risk analysis conducted in 2019 focused on climate change. Secondly, in 2020 the Committee was specifically consulted on Worldline’s carbon reduction objectives. Eventually, Worldline’s action plan, to be in line with its carbon reduction objectives, has been reviewed by the CSR Committee. In addition, this Committee enables the CSR Officer to engage a permanent and interactive dialogue with the Board of Directors. The Corporate Social Responsibility Officer The Corporate Social Responsibility Officer, reporting directly to Worldline’s CEO, is responsible for the Company’s CSR strategy, monitoring the sustainability initiatives and promoting CSR values with internal and external stakeholders. The CSR Officer is responsible for a department composed of an international team of 77 people, present in 28 countries. The department has the responsibility of rolling out Worldline action plans at the Group level, as well as to communicate them internally and externally. Weekly follow-up calls and monthly work and discussion sessions are held to monitor the progress of action plans and coordinate the work of all the CSR local contributors.
To ensure the integration of sustainability in all Worldline’s processes and strategic bodies: The CSR Officer is the privileged interlocutor of the Social ● and Environmental Responsibility Committee of the Board of Directors; The CSR Officer meets the CEO to present CSR actions ● and achievements on a quarterly basis so that the business and CSR strategies are completely aligned; The CSR Officer presents the results from CSR initiatives, ● roadmap progress and action plans to the Worldline Executive Committee; The CSR Officer also presents these results to the Works ● councils on an annual basis, so that these key internal stakeholders take part in the implementation and sponsorship of the CSR strategy and action plans; The CSR Officer steers internal and external CSR ● communication actions, thus contributing to employee commitment. Each business and corporate function has the responsibility to implement the CSR strategy and to provide support for the CSR objectives (TRUST 2020 targets); As from the LTI plan 2020, The CSR performance ● conditions are conditioning 20% of the overall vesting of stock-options plan (refer to this document, Section G) through three combined CSR criteria (counting for 1/3 each): 1) Carbone Disclosure Programme (CDP), Eco Vadis and Gaia Index Certification. A target to be met at the end of the relevant period (2022) has been set for each KPI: CDP A- rating obtained, EcoVadis Gold label and GAIA Index general rating above 2019 results. An elasticity curve has also been defined for each KPI (refer to this document, Section G for more details on the elasticity curves); Environmental Board. ● Regarding Ingenico’s Corporate Social Responsibility Governance, please consult Chapter 1.3 of its extra-financial performance declaration.
Universal Registration Document 2020
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