Worldline - 2020 Universal Registration Document


EXTRA-FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF PERFORMANCE Ensuring business ethics within our value chain




Any external/third party organisation that is providing or has provided goods and/or services to Worldline Group over the past years. This definition includes external services providers (for outsourced activity), hardware and other external services providers, manufacturers, subcontractors, or even charitable organisations when counterparties for Worldline are clearly defined in a contract. The term vendor is similar but covers a broader scope by including potential suppliers. External outsourcing means an arrangement of any form between any Worldline legal entity and any external service provider by which that service provider performs a process, a service or an activity (or parts thereof) on a recurrent or continuing basis that would normally fall within the scope of processes, services or activities that would or could realistically be performed by the Worldline legal entity. This definition excludes the following services: functions that are legally required to be outsourced, market information services, global network infrastructures, clearing & settlement arrangements, services that would otherwise not be undertaken by Payment institute or IT service provider or utilities. External EBA Outsourcing term falls within the scope of the European Banking Authority guidelines. This includes the outsourcing activities that would normally be undertaken by the Worldline legal entity acting as a Regulated Institution. An external subcontractor is an external person working for an external company (namely the supplier or provider) for which Worldline is having a temporary subcontracting contractual agreement. Worldline Resources repository distinguishes Internals (namely Worldline Employees) from externals. At no time a Worldline employee can be considered as an external subcontractor and an external subcontractor is not a Worldline Employee

External outsourcing

External subcontractor

Ensure due diligence through D.4.4.2 its suppliers’ risk assessments Supply chain due diligence describes the efforts taken to investigate a potential supplier and regularly assess existing suppliers. Its objective is to discover any corruption / ethical / Human rights abuse/ extra-financial risks associated with the potential or existing supplier in order to ensure integrity within the supply chain. To ensure due diligence in its supply chain, Worldline conducts two levels of risk assessment: at supplier level and at order/service level, as described hereafter. To note that as from 2021, these processes will be integrated and consolidated in the new procurement tools. Besides, Worldline Enterprise Risk Management monitors the risks related to the supply chain in the Group risk mapping. Within the current existing supplier base, risk assessment and the design of risks mitigation plan for critical and strategic suppliers are part of the procurement team mission jointly with operations and CSR team. Supplier risk assessment: on-boarding and follow-up The on-boarding of a potential new supplier follows the same assessment process whatever the vendor. Due diligence and validation of this supplier in the database is necessary prior to being able to create a purchase request with this supplier. Besides, all new critical suppliers are physically met or visited periodically by procurement or operations, with exception applied due to the pandemic period. This assessment process, conducted by the procurement team, is three-fold:

An extra-financial and financial screening out of 1. worldwide databases. A background check, i.e. a scan via global databases which aims at checking the vendor financial stability and whether or not the Company or its management is listed on (ban)/sanction lists, is conducted for all new partners. As from 2021, the screening will also systematically search for Political Exposed Person (PEP) within the Company’s directors and will embed the list of possible conviction(s) for legal infringement or adverse media. The results of the screening will also be updated regularly; A vendor on-boarding questionnaire filled in by the 2. vendor (including CSR questions). In 2020, the on-boarding questionnaire has been enriched with new question categories (CSR, compliance) and has been redesigned to be directly filled by the vendor for more accurate information. These new questions will enable to have more details on the CSR maturity of the vendor and its related extra-financial risks. This questionnaire will be updated on an annual basis for active suppliers; A mapping of the CSR inherent risks (by country and 3. industry of the vendor). Based on the data provided by the EcoVadis platform, Worldline has also planned to include the vendor industry CSR inherent risk in addition to the existing country risk in its criteria to assess vendor risk scoring.


Universal Registration Document 2020

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