Worldline - 2020 Universal Registration Document


Top-down initiatives. Indeed, reports from the GPTW 1. survey showed a strong need for information and communication on news and business strategies across all countries: Management roadshows to better communicate about ● the Company vision, business priorities, challenges, on-going projects and achievements. All entities have implemented their own management roadshows to share top management’s vision and forthcoming challenges: the staff meetings by the CEO at all the European sites of Financial Services, the quarterly Town Halls with top management in Poland, the weekly call with all employees to deliver key messages, share strategy, financial updates and an open FAQ run by the MTS UK CEO, the “Town hall meetings” for all staff in Belgium and the special management meeting. Another appreciated initiative is the CEO Breakfast organised mainly at European sites, Global and local awareness actions to provide ● Worldline business and well-being related information to all employees on a regular basis. In addition to global newsletters managed on a worldwide level, some entities issue their own publications like the weekly newsletter called The Wire to share key messages -issued every Friday in the UK, the internal APAC newsletter launched in 2020 by the APAC CEO in updating overall company financial status, Covid-19 security measures, projects updates, etc. To enhance the accessibility and quality of the information provided, the Financial Services wellbeing team has launched a new monthly newsletter and created a dedicated portal so that employees have a direct access to the Wellbeing@worldline programme including GPTW results and actions. Except for Town Halls, Polish employees are regularly informed via email about the matters concerning the office and important changes, Specific communication regarding the Covid-19. ● Several entities within the Worldline Group ensured that all their employees receive regular updates For instance, equensWorldline and Worldline Netherlands set up monthly calls with all staff to explain the current situation, measures that are taken at the workplace and all employees can ask their questions. In the same way, at Worldline Iberia, information was regularly shared with employees in order to keep them informed about the Covid-19 situation and its evolution; Bottom-up initiatives to encourage dialogue, improve the 2. integration of employees’ expectations and foster the employees’ team spirit: Establishing working groups to encourage dialogue and ● better understand employee expectations. Worldline France has been a pioneer in this regard by implementing the “Bottom-up initiative” that consists of working groups that help to understand everyday reality and identify areas for improvement. More than 110 volunteers have joined these working groups to address issues in the Wellbeing@ Worldline programme (with topics such as communication, sharing, recognition and working conditions). One of the new actions that resulted from this initiative is called “innovative management”, and its goal is to train managers to new methods of management. This programme has been strengthened with another one called “Managers programme” designed

by managers themselves, a mix of conferences convened by experts in management, networking and co-development. Another initiative related to these groups: in-coaching (already ten certified colleagues) and out-coaching with a partner to help Worldline to face the change management. Similar initiatives have been organised in other regions such as, the HR Newsflash webinar for all managers in Belgium as well as the We@ Worldline initiative where employees from different parts in the organisation workto gether in working groups on 5 themes (communication, sports, career, knowledge & facilities). Several entities also organise People Committees. First of all, within Financial Services, they are set up for each country. Their task, among other things, is to encourage dialogue, to better understand employee’s expectations and to generate feedback and ideas from bottom-up. Secondly, at Worldline Luxembourg, people committee sessions were initiated in Spring/Summer 2020. Furthermore, Worldline UK set up a forum in 2020 called Worldline Voice which consists of employee’s representatives and focuses on business changes or HR changes that may impact employees and ensures employees’ views are heard, Recognition actions. The annual Accolade Reward ● Programme that was in place since 2016 could not take place in 2020 due to the particular and complex social and economic context and is postponed to 2021 for France. In Worldline Netherlands, a connection was made between the accolade programme and the new Worldline Values. People can now nominate colleagues in a category that matches the 4 values: Coordination, Excellence, Innovation and Empowerment, Working conditions actions. Worldline Logistics & ● Housing team constantly strives to improve the work environment of employees, whether through the renovation of the buildings, by adding new spaces, or by making space organisation more efficient, which fosters interactions, motivation and productivity. To this end, the team conducts an annual survey for each building, which leads to improvement plans that are discussed with Workers Council. For instance, the building in Ridderkerk in the Netherlands has been redesigned and next to the renovation works of the office floors, the ground floor of the main building Belgium is going through a large renovation. The last 3 years Worldline spent a lot of effort to improve the working conditions for its employees by installing new sanitary; refurbishing the office part by installing new carpet, lighting, furniture, extra meeting rooms. The goal is to keep improving the situation for the coming year. Likewise, the Worldline Acceptance Sweden office was renovated early 2020. At Seclin, during the development of the new modular spaces (Portakabin), Worldline studied with the social partners and the employees, the new arrangements, in order to adapt the individual, collective and collaborative work spaces to their way of working and to allow the best working conditions with the installation of acoustic arrangements, quieter air-conditioning and LED lighting. Eventually, Poland keeps the highest measures standards to create the most safe and friendly office (lifting desks), and also enable employees to borrow company’s monitors and chairs and deliver them to the houses to create the best working conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic,


Universal Registration Document 2020


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