Worldline - 2020 Universal Registration Document

EXTRA-FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF PERFORMANCE Building customer trust with reliable, secured, innovative and sustainable solutions

Product Summit: In 2020, due to the Covid-19 context, the ● event was replaced by a series of on-line sessions planned over an 8-months period. Collaboration with external partners D. Worldline and in particular the Worldline Labs have close relations with the academic world (researchers and students) and established long-term partnerships on topics such as artificial intelligence, biometrics, cryptography, human-interaction or platforms with leading European universities ( e.g. Université Libre de Bruxelles and Leuven University in Belgium, University of Passau in Germany or University of Milano in Italy), as well as several French universities ( e.g. Bordeaux, Lille, Orléans, Rennes, Saint-Etienne or Valenciennes), and research institutes ( e.g. Inria or CEA). These partnerships both provide, for researchers, real business opportunities to work on concrete industrial challenges, and, for Worldline, innovation leads and a worldwide technology watch. They have already led to the publication of scientific papers, patent submissions and various collaborative R&D projects at national and international levels. As overall services’ complexity increases over time, the need to work with external partners gets stronger and stronger. As this open innovation mind-set is embedded in Worldline’s way of working since the beginning, the Company is exploring all the paths towards these fruitful collaborations, including hackathons and start-up challenges. It has enabled Worldline to tighten links with the rest of the Fintech ecosystem and leverage emerging services to address together common customers’ problems (for more information, refer to this document, Section D.2.5.2). Besides, Worldline collaborates with the major industrial and service players on national and European programmes. Worldline also develops and nurtures deep relationships with schools and universities at the education level. Worldline’s experts share and teach their passion and knowledge on those ground-breaking topics with students (from graduates to executive MBAs) from Tier 1 schools such as HEC, Ecole Polytechnique, Columbia University, TelecomParisTech and Nanterre University. Innovation through the Worldline Labs D. [GRI 102-43] [WL8] Worldline is part of a sector facing challenging transitions ruptures, with deregulation, digital transformation, changes in scale, arrival of new entrants, introduction of new technologies, and emergence of new usages: in such a context, status quo is not an option. In order to turn technology and new trends into useful and value creating solutions for its customers in the coming years, Worldline not only actively seeks to promote a culture of innovation which spurs all its employees to ever greater creativity but also structures this potential and talents through its Worldline Labs. Worldline has also always been working with selected partners,

academics and start-ups to nurture and develop its innovations. Besides, sustainability plays a significant role in shaping the Company’s innovation agenda by prioritising useful solutions contributing to the UN SDGs and having a specific care with respect to eco-design. Worldline focuses its research, development & innovation eorts around three main areas, each of w hcih bring innovation opportunities for the Company, its customers and end users:

Trusted Services;

Customer eXperience;

Performance and Intelligence.

Trusted Services D. The Trusted Services track is dedicated to making transactions and services more secure for end-customers. It includes innovative payment platforms, advanced authentication solutions, cryptographic tools, data privacy and network resiliency solutions. Key innovations that have come out of this process include: Continuous behaviour based authentication: brings ● seamless trust to any service requiring strong authentication, continuously combining measurements of how a user is using a service or conducting an action. Today’s mobile devices with their many sensors generate plenty of inputs that can be combined to create a unique usage fingerprint of the person using the device. Combined with a continuous authentication of the device itself and the secured application running, this gives in most conditions a sufficient level of trust to authenticate a user w ithout asking for an explicit authentication action. This is a perfect example of why Worldline focuses on the three cornerstones of our R&D approach: it shows how AI enabled Trust brings a great User eXperience; Post-quantum cryptography: the arrival of quantum ● computers eventually challenges digital security in general by breaking the public-key cryptographic systems that today protect all personal, professional and payment data. Worldline is working closely with researchers around the world on security algorithms that will withstand these computers, and is making joint proposals to global standardisation organisations such as NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). At the end of 2017, in the framework of the NIST call for solutions, out of 69 successful proposals, 4 included contributions from Worldline Labs crypto experts. At the end of 2020, among the 15 or so proposals still in the running, two of our four cryptosystems were still included in two categories respectively named “finalists candidates” and “alternate candidates”. The selection process continues and Worldline will undoubtedly be among the most important contributors to these new standards, which are essential to the security and confidence of tomorrow’s payment service;


Universal Registration Document 2020


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