Worldline - 2019 Universal Registration Document

EXTRA-FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF PERFORMANCE Reporting methodology and scope for non-financial indicators

Reporting methodology and scope for non-financial D.6 indicators

This chapter describes the scope of 2019 Worldline’s Corporate Social Responsibility report and the guidelines on which it is based. It also addresses how Worldline reports

according to globally accepted reporting standards and the process used to obtain the information presented in the report.

Principles and standards of reporting [GRI 102-5] [GRI 102-10] D.6.1 [GRI 102-45] [GRI 102-48] [GRI 102-49] [GRI 102-50] [GRI 102-51] [GRI 102-52] [GRI 102-56] and [GRI 103-1]

Legal requirements and principles [GRI 102-12] [GRI 103-3 Worldline Specific D.6.1.1 Disclosures]

European Directive on the declaration D. of extra-financial performance As required in this French transposition of the European Directive 2014/95/EU on the declaration of extra-financial performance, the content of Worldline’s statement on extra-financial performance includes a reference to its business model, a presentation of the non-financial risks it faces, a description of the policies implemented to mitigate these risks and the results of such policies, which effectiveness and performance are measured by relevant KPIs. In particular, the document submits information regarding the social and environmental impact of Worldline activities and its contribution to Human Rights, and fight against corruption and against tax evasion. For further information, refer to this report, Section D. Respect and application of the D. principles of standard AA1000 AP [GRI 102-12] [GRI 103-3 Market Presence] [GRI 103-3 Worldline Specific Disclosures]  Worldline adheres to the criteria of the AA1000 AP internationally accepted standard by assessing, monitoring and disclosing its impacts in extra-financial reporting, which also allows more effective decision-making and increased value creation for the Company and its stakeholders. Worldline’s integrated report and the Section D. of this Universal Registration Document present how the Company has integrated the principles of inclusion, materiality, responsiveness and impact defined in the AA1000 AP in its operating mode. These principles are detailed hereafter.

Inclusion: To ensure that Worldline’s Corporate Social ● Responsibility strategy meets the expectations of its valuable stakeholders (employees, customers, partners, suppliers and shareholders), meetings and discussions have been initiated and will continue on a regular basis for sharing the Worldline materiality matters of concern and discuss the different business activities of the Company; Materiality: The sustainability challenges considered most ● significant for Worldline business activities were selected in 2014 and updated in 2018. Worldline’s materiality assessment is described in Section D. This selection is based on Worldline stakeholders’ expectations as well as Worldline internal prioritization established on objective criteria related to its markets, opportunities and achievements; Responsiveness: Worldline's reports (the integrated report ● and the Universal Registration Document) are published annually. They contain all the key performance indicators regarding sustainability monitored by Worldline. They outline the main sustainability challenges and associated actions; Impact: Worldline acknowledges, measures, monitors and ● is accountable for how its actions affect its broader ecosystem in the economy, the environment, society, stakeholders or in its own organization, and whether its impacts are direct or indirect, positive or negative, intended or unintended, expected or realized, short, medium or long term. Through its regular meeting with its stakeholders, the update of its materiality matrix and the monitoring of extra-financial indicators as well as through its action plans (policies, programs, products and services, etc.) to improve these KPIs in the perspective of its TRUST 2020 objectives, Worldline aims to embark all its organization on a result-based management of accountability.


197 Universal Registration Document 2019

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