Worldline - 2019 Universal Registration Document
EXTRA-FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF PERFORMANCE Ensuring business ethics within our value chain [GRI 102-9] [GRI 103-3 Social compliance]
Develop responsible procurement & due diligence in the value chain D.4.4 [GRI 102-9] [GRI 103-1 Procurement practices] [GRI 103-2 Indirect Economic Impacts] [GRI 103-2 Procurement Practices] [GRI 204-1] and [GRI 205-1]
Foster sustainable relationships D.4.4.1 with our partners [GRI 102-9] Worldline’s ambition is to further influence its sector and ecosystem in terms of CSR practices, notably its suppliers and partners, in order to ensure integrity in its supply chain. To achieve that, the Company is firmly committed to develop responsible purchasing thus reducing at the same time its technical, environmental, social and financial risks relating to its supply chain. Eventually, this also reinforces its performance, protect its brand reputation and limit dependencies. Worldline has articulated its global sustainable procurement strategy around four axes: Integrate sustainability at the core of procurement process; ● Promote Worldline’s CSR commitments all along the value ● chain;
Assess suppliers’ and subcontractors’ CSR practices; ● Improve continuously the suppliers’ CSR performance. ● According to the Duty of Care French law, Worldline thus relies on these four strategic axes to further develop and deepen in the coming years its responsible procurement actions as part of its Vigilance Plan (refer to this document, Section D.4.2.3). Additionally, Worldline strives to develop as much as possible local purchase to contribute positively to the economy and inclusion of its territories. In 2019, the proportion of spending on local suppliers represented 79% of total spending, thus also reducing transport and Worldline's environmental footprint. Worldline counts more than 4,000 suppliers, including 250 key strategic suppliers. [GRI 203-2] [GRI 102-9]
6% Other
2% Argentina 3% United Kingdom
7% North America
0% Latine America
33% Belgium
4% India
12% Asia
5% Czech Republic
6% Netherlands
81% Europe
7% Germany
7% Italy
27% France
Universal Registration Document 2019
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