Worldline - 2019 Universal Registration Document



GRI 102-41 Social dialogue: Exclusion of Argentina, Chile, China, China, Brazil, the Czech Republic and the United States. GRI401-2 Benefits to employees: Exclusion of WL Belgium WL Austria, WL Belgium, WL Brazil, WL Czech Republic, WL India, WL Italy, WL USA. GRI 403-2 Absenteeism rate and health and safety indicators: Exclusion of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Finland, Hungary, Sweden and the United States. GRI 404-1 Average training hours per employee : Exclusion of Germany and SPS GRI 404-3 Career development monitoring: Exclusion of GCM 0, Inactive, H2 Joiners, EW Germany, WL Austria, WL Germany, WL Baltics, former SPS.

AO 2 Employee satisfaction: Exclusion of Casual workers, Subcontractors, Outside service providers, Specific helped contracts. GRI 405-1 Disabled employees: Exclusion of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Finland, Hungary, Sweden and the USA. AO 6 Diversity perception in GPTW: Exclusion of Casual workers, Subcontractors, Outside service providers, Specific helped contracts. AO 11 Collaborative technologies development (Zero email): The use of the collaborative tools BlueKiwi and Circuit was gradually stopped during the year 2019. We have decided not to report this indicator in 2019 as it does not represent the ability of employees to work collaboratively.


Universal Registration Document 2019

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