Worldline - 2019 Universal Registration Document



Hacky Days: new “Tech sessions” within Worldline The Hacky Days are a bottom-up initiative which consists in the internal gathering of technical experts to experiment new methods of collaborative work, while sharing team building moments. In 2018, the two editions of the Hacky Days on three different locations gathered over 150 employees from developer to manager, who worked on various topics related

to security, DevOps approach, development tools, and collaborative work to present concrete achievements in closing ceremonies in front of the teams and many guests. The 2019 edition reinforced this initiative, notably by inviting professors and students from universities and engineer


Talent management@Worldline [GRI 103-2 Training and Education] D.3.4.2 As part of Worldline’s ambition to be the first payment industry employer brand, managing its talents to develop and motivate them is key priority. At Worldline every employee can become a talent, if they perform high and have the determination it takes to excel and grow in potential to shaping the future of the Company. A talent has the leadership potential to be effective in future roles with broader responsibilities at higher organizational levels. A talent can be a top performer with high potential for growth or with business critical expertise, a manager or expert, at the beginning of the journey in the Company.

Other complementary local initiatives are launched, such as the deployed program at Worldline Belgium which is spread over two years, and gives young workers with the opportunity to follow a mini-management program guided by a personal mentor. Launch (Learn & Unfold New Career Horizons) Launch (former Worldline Juniors Group) is a global Worldline Talent Development program which has been set-up in autumn 2017. A second cohort of European Talents has been selected and is part of this cross-functional circle whose mission is to develop the best individual potential of its members and accelerate readiness for critical roles thanks to a combination of personal development sessions and networking opportunities, notably with Worldline top management. Through the program, the Company aims to reach out to more young Worldline talents by enabling the candidates to get to know the Worldline Group (strategy, ambitions, culture, portfolio, customers) and meet key people and top management during a-three-day module with workshops and training sessions. Next to that, these young talents are working on in-house projects which they present and defend during the last module. It supports and facilitates their integration and broadens international mindset. Fuel is an international, cross-functional circle whose purpose is to develop management skills by enabling complete entrepreneurial and business management experience and to gain visibility by close contact with senior management of the Company. A combination of highly interactive personal development sessions (quarterly physical meetings), global mentoring programs, personal development courses, business projects has been set-up. Fuel (Foster Understanding of Excellence in Leadership)

In order to strengthen and renew its talent base and business performance, Worldline is rolling out a People Review every year, on a global level as well as on a local level. In order to have a reliable evaluation, all Management Committees review and validate the people review outcome for their scope. Once identified, the goal is to include these talented individuals in critical positions succession plans but also to build and follow up on their individual development plans. Through Talent management@Worldline, the Company aims at: Maximizing visibility of talented employees, boosting their ● mobility internally and accelerating their development and giving them priority for the most critical positions in the Group; Supporting business success today and tomorrow by ● putting the right talent in the right job at the right time and building a stronger pipeline of ready high potential successors internally. Worldline talented individuals follow Worldline Group’s programs dedicated to talent development to help them grow, such as Gold for Business Leaders, Gold for Technology Leaders, Fuel (Foster Understanding of Excellence in Leadership) and Launch (Learn & Unfold New Career Horizons), and other career development programs. In the framework of the carve-out from Atos, Worldline is building new leadership and talent development programs of which the pilots will be rolled-out in H2 2020.


Universal Registration Document 2019

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