Worldline - 2019 Universal Registration Document


Being a responsible employer D.3

Meet employee expectations [WL 6] D.3.1

In Worldline’s industry, having a qualified workforce, while the expectations of another key stakeholder: its employees. ensuring a work environment that promotes diversity and With regard to people challenges, Worldline has identified well-being, is one of the most important drivers to ensure the three significant gross extra-financial risks. This chapter is Company’s growth and success. Each year, Worldline must structured according to these risks and presents mitigation attract, recruit, develop and retain employees who can provide measures for each in order to take full advantage of the the expertise necessary to meet its customers’ needs. opportunities related to these risks. Therefore, the Company pays specific attention to addressing

People risk

Risk description

Worldline action plan Related opportunities Main monitoring KPIs

Employee well-being at work For more details, refer to this document, Section D.3.2 .

The ability of the Company to foster an environment favoring well-being at work is essential to achieve Worldline’s ambition to be a Great Place to Work ® and establish stable and performing teams committed to meeting customer needs. In addition, it enables the Company to build a strong brand able to attract the best talents in the market. Key topics: work organization, health and safety, and social dialog (collective agreements) In the fast-moving sector in which Worldline operates, a wide-ranging set of expertise and intellectual capital is key. Worldline must attract and retain Talents able to provide the expertise necessary to meet its customers’ challenges. Key topics: employment, work organization The qualification of the workforce and continuous training is essential to adapt to the technological changes of the industry. Worldline must ensure that its employees have the proper skills to meet evolving demands and remain a leader in its industry. Key topic: training

Worldline is enhancing its well-being culture through the Wellbeing@worldline program in order to promote a stimulating and healthy working environment, and the right conditions for the development of skills and Talents.

Collaborative environment

TRUST 2020 AO 2 ● Employee satisfaction (Great Place to Work ® Trust Index Rate) TRUST 2020 Gap ● between the percentage of females in management positions and the %

and being a responsible employer by leveraging well-being at work


of females in the overall workforce

Talent attraction & retention For more details,

To attract and retain the Talents it needs, Worldline promotes its employer brand and focuses on people integration and careers development through several programs in all of its entities. To maintain its level of expertise, Worldline prioritizes employee training and development through its global training plan and its on-going investment in certifications and adaptive & multichannel learning.

People engagement

GRI 401-1 Employee ● hiring & attrition WL 6 Global turnover ● rate

refer to this document, Sections D.3.3 and F .

Training & human capital development For more details, refer to this document, Sections D.3.4 and F.

People’s career development

GRI 404-1 Average ● training hours per employee each year TRUST 2020 ● Percentage of employees satisfied with the trainings provided by Worldline

127 Universal Registration Document 2019

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