Corporate Social Responsibility report Information about the report


Detailed information related to theKPIs [GRI 201-1] and [GRI 203-1] The information required in GRI 201-1 is mostly included in the financial statement of this document, however for the part relating to community investments Worldline reports the total social contribution reached in 2017. The reporting of this information is aligned with the guidelines of the London Benchmark Group related to the measurement of the community investment made by companies. It is detailed in Section D.4.2 of this document. Detailed information related to theKPI AO11 Worldline has reported the KPI AO11 with a modification in the calculation methodology with respect to 2016. Indeed, the data between 2016 and 2017 are no longer comparable. In 2016, active communities were those notified with a “3 stars” or more. In 2017, this criteria is no longer available and the value is based on the existence or not of the active users in the communities. Detailed information related to theKPI AO10 Worldline reports only the innovation workshops retained by the scientific community and directly organized by Worldline. Furthermore, Worldline organizes other innovation workshops with Atos group that have been taken into account into Atos group reported AO10 KPI. Detailed information related to the Scope 3 calculation For the 11 th category of used products, Worldline based its calculation on the CO 2 emissions of the lifecycle production of the payment terminal Yomani in order to estimate the CO 2 emissions of other payment Terminals. The Yomani model represents 65.5% of the payment Terminals sold by Worldline in 2017.

Detailed information for the no reporting of some Grenelle II information

The amount of the provisions and guarantees for environment-related risks, provided that this information would not be likely to cause the Company serious damage within the framework of ongoing litigation, is not significant given the activity sector. Worldline's operations do not significantly impact the environment in terms of noise pollution or any other specific form of pollution. This information was not identified as essential/priority in the Worldline relevance test. Water consumption and water procurement on the basis of local constraints: these have not been identified as essential/priority in Worldline´s materiality test assessment. Worldline’s operations do not have a significant impact on water consumption or procurement. Land use has not been identified as essential/priority in Worldline’s materiality test assessment. Worldline’s operations do not have a significant impact on Biodiversity as the Group is operating within areas already zoned for economic activities (business/commercial/industry zones). The exploitation of raw materials in Worldline’s activities is not relevant and does not represent a material issue. Human Rights: the Atos group and Worldline, given their IT services activities, do not produce goods or deliver services that represent a high violation risk of fundamental rights in this area.



Worldline 2017 Registration Document

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