Corporate Social Responsibility report Information about the report

Information about the report D.6

This chapter describes the scope of 2017 Worldline’s Corporate Social Responsibility report and the guidelines on which it is based. It also addresses how Worldline reports according to globally-accepted reporting standards and the process used to obtain the information presented in the report.

Scope of the report [GRI 102-10] [GRI 102-45] [GRI 102-48] [GRI 102-49] [GRI 102-50] [GRI 102-51] [GRI 102-52] [GRI 102-54] [GRI 102-56] and [GRI 103-1]



French legal requirements for information of listed companies

For further information, see Section D.1..2.3 of this report. In 2017, and in line with the amended article L. 225-102-1, subparagraph 5, of the French Commercial Code, information about main greenhouse gas emissions sources generated by the activities of the Company, including through the use of goods and services has been added in Environmental chapter.


Application of the principles of standard AA1000

See Section D., Respect of AA1000 Standards for all information.


Global Reporting Initiative [GRI 102-12] [GRI 102-46] [GRI 103-1] [GRI 103-1 Indirect Economic Impacts] [GRI 103-1 Market Presence] [GRI 103-1 Procurement Practices] [GRI 103-1 Anti-Corruption] [GRI 103-1 Energy] [GRI 103-1 Emissions] [GRI 103-1 Employment] [GRI 103-1 Occupational Health and Safety] [GRI 103-1 Training and Education] [GRI 103-1 Diversity and Equal Opportunity] [GRI 103-1 Customer Privacy] and [GRI 103-1 Economic Performance]

See Section D. Global Reporting Initiative regarding the report presentation and Worldline’s Comprehensive approach.

GRI STANDARDS 2017 TOPICS BOUNDARIES The following topics of the 2017 Standards from the GRI have material significance for Worldline. Outside the organization, these aspects are material for the mentioned stakeholders.


Topic boundaries outside the organization

Economic Performance

Communities, Customers, Investors and analysts Communities, Public bodies, Suppliers and partners Communities, Public bodies, Suppliers and partners Communities, Public bodies, Suppliers and partners

Market Presence

Indirect Economic Impacts Procurement Practices


Customers, Investors and analysts Customers, Investors and analysts



Training and Education Diversity and Equal Opportunity Occupational Health and Safety

Not material outside the organization

Suppliers and Partners


Customers, Investors and analysts, Public bodies, Suppliers and partners

Socioeconomic Compliance

Investors and analysts, Public bodies, Suppliers and partners

Customer Privacy



Worldline 2017 Registration Document

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