Corporate Social Responsibility report Reducing our environmental footprint through eco-efficient operations [GRI 419-1]


A new sponsorship to raise awareness about the protection of the environment

For example, the CSR team has designed different infographics about key environmental challenges of the Company like the energy consumption, CO 2 emissions, waste production and water consumption. From these infographics, employees can learn about the different values by country and the actions to perform to reduce these values. These “Worldline Environmental Engagement” posters were put in place in all the Company sites and employees could respond to the CSR team with their own proposals. This way, Worldline continues to remind its employees of eco-friendly practices they can do every day to reduce their own environmental footprint, as well as that of the Company (like thinking before printing, etc.). Following Atos initiatives, Worldline has organized an online training course entitled “Sustainability Improvement” which is available in English, French, Spanish and German. It consists of four sustainability modules: What is sustainability? ● Who are the stakeholders of the Company? ● Sustainability in the it sector; ● Presentation on the Atos group's sustainability program. ● As part of the European Sustainable Development Week in 2017, Worldline involved its employees on a daily basis by presenting them with the wide range of global and local CSR initiatives launched to promote and embed sustainability everywhere within the Company. Each day, Worldline distributed a communication about different topics: sustainable food, electric cars, renewable energies, green Terminals and social initiatives. Worldline Belgium also organized the broadcast of the French movie Demain (“Tomorrow”) to raise awareness among employees of environmental challenges as well as eco actions they can take to alleviate their impact on the environment. Training courses and quiz

In 2017, Worldline has committed to support an ambitious scientist research program to help protect the environment focused on a submarine expedition by providing its technological expertise. This innovative IT partnership leverages the Worldline Corporate Social Responsibility policy and actions, especially regarding its environmental commitments. Its objective is also to raise awareness of all Worldline employees globally on key environmental issues such as global warming. This large-scale mobilization is at the heart of Worldline's societal commitment and is consistent with the Company's skills sponsorship approach for the benefit of local communities. Worldline has decided to offer Under The Pole its IT competencies and know-how in order to accelerate scientific research for the next 3 years. Through Worldline's highly secure Cloud hosting solutions, explorers and scientists will be able to centrally store all data and media content collected during the expedition on a dedicated server, with unlimited storage capacity. This fully secured information will then be available and accessible in real time by the scientific community of the entire world so that it can be analysed and processed as quickly as possible. All media content created during the expedition will also be broadcasted online to share in real time the highlights of the journey and the results of scientific research and discoveries as the expedition progresses and thus raise the general public's awareness of the preservation of the oceans and more broadly the protection of the environment. Worldline will also consider other projects for the next years to help this expedition and thus contribute to the preservation of the environment. This polar expedition called Under The Pole III is supported by Explore private funding organization, created in 2013 under the impulse of the explorer Roland Jourdain to develop exploration projects combining science, innovation and awareness and responding to major environmental issues. This third adventure of the Under the Pole expedition series is dedicated to an underwater exploration of the deep ecosystems of the “Twilight Zone” (between 30 and 150 meters below the surface) from 2017 to 2020, in the four oceans, to bring a better knowledge of these almost unexplored areas and thus to promote the development of a more sustainable world.


Environmental reportingmethodology and processes [103-3 Energy]


and [GRI 103-3 Emissions]

In “comprehensive” recommendations, Worldline is monitoring a broad range of environmental KPIs related to energy consumption, waste [AO19], water and CO 2 emissions. Reports on environmental KPIs are produced twice a year for Worldline’s main sites, which accounted for 81% of the Company’s revenue in 2016. These are then audited and verified by external auditors. line with the GRI Standards

For the 2017 Registration Document and in particular for the KPI table (section D5.6), Worldline decided to release its data on constant scope (a) compared to 2016 and with a new scope (b). Data at constant scope (a) include France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Spain and sometimes Argentina. Data in new scope (b) include France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Spain, Argentina, Italy and India.


Worldline 2017 Registration Document

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