Universal Registration Document 2021


Independence of Directors In the absence of any controlling shareholder, the independence of the Board of Directors is essential for the Company in order to ensure that the Board, as a body, represents not only the whole community of shareholders, but also the interests of the Company and of other stakeholders, employees and partners. The Governance & Social Responsibility Committee and the Board of Directors reviewed in February 2022 the independence of its members according to the definition and criteria set forth in the Corporate Governance Code of Listed Corporations published by the Association française des entreprises privées (AFEP) and the Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF) (the “AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code”), to which the Company adheres to (see paragraph below). According to this Code, “a Director is independent when he or she has no relationship of any kind whatsoever with the corporation, its group or its management that may interfere with his or her freedom of judgment”. Should a “business relationship” exist between the Company and the Group in which the Director is an employee or an executive, the Board of Directors shall conduct, where appropriate, a quantitative and qualitative review of such relationship to determine whether, from the perspective of the two parties, they are significant enough to be an obstacle to the Director’s independence.

The specific criteria taken into consideration by the Board are: the percentage of each party’s total revenue accounted for by 1. the flow of business in question; whether this is a strategic relationship for the Company; 2. the financial terms of the business relationship; 3. any calls for tender; 4. the length of the relationship; 5. the organization of the business relationship (decision-making 6. powers of the Director with regard to the contract, whether the Director receives compensation, etc .). Concerning Bpifrance Participations (represented at the Board of Directors by Mr. Thierry Sommelet), the Governance & Social Responsibility Committee and the Board of Directors reviewed and assessed the criteria of “business relationship” as follows. As of December 31, 2021, Bpifrance Participations (“Bpifrance”) which took part in 2020 to the Group financial restructuring hold 4.40% of the Company’s share capital. Technicolor group’s debt to Bpifrance in the amount of €22.3 million is weighing less than 1% of the Group’s assets and shareholder equity. This part represents only 1.7% of the total amount of the debt of the Group. From the perspective of both parties, the business relationship was therefore not considered as significant enough to be an obstacle to the Director’s independence.

As of the date of publication of this Universal Registration Document, 8 of the 11 Directors were deemed to be independent. See below the summary of the assessment made at the Board of Directors meeting of February 23, 2022.




Anne Bouverot

Ms. Anne Bouverot meets all requisite criteria to be considered as an independent Director.


Not an employee/ Executive Officer over the last five years

No cross- director- ships

No significant business relations

No Family ties

No Statutory Auditor

Term of office of less than 12 years

Shareholding below 10% of Technicolor share capital

Melinda J. Mount

Ms. Melinda J. Mount meets all requisite criteria to be considered as an independent Director.


Not an employee/ Executive Officer over the last five years

No cross- director- ships

No significant business relations

No Family ties

No Statutory Auditor

Term of office of less than 12 years

Shareholding below 10% of Technicolor share capital

Richard Moat

Mr. Richard Moat is Chief Executive Officer of the Company.


Not an employee/ Executive Officer over the last five years

No cross- director- ships

No significant business relations

No Family ties

No Statutory Auditor

Term of office of less than 12 years

Shareholding below 10% of Technicolor share capital


Bpifrance Participations, represented by Thierry Sommelet

Bpifrance Participations holds less than 10% of the share capital.


Not an employee/ Executive Officer over the last five years

No cross- director- ships

No significant business relations

No Family ties

No Statutory Auditor

Term of office of less than 12 years

Shareholding below 10% of Technicolor share capital



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