Universal Registration Document 2021


Suppliers are expected to adhere to these basic principles: tolerate no discrimination and encourage diversity; • promote best working conditions; • use no child labor or forced labor or involuntary labor; • protect worker health and safety; • respect the environment; •

Suppliers representing about 86.6% of total spend of this category of Technicolor’s suppliers are already assessed by EcoVadis. This threshold will lower from €1 million to €0.75 million in 2022. The primary sub-contracting scope within the Group is within the Connected Home business, where sub-contracting represents the majority of units sold, and thus almost all audits originating as part of the Supplier Responsibility program are targeting suppliers and sub-contractors for the Connected Home business as sub-contracting is very low profile in Technicolor Creative Studios and DVD Services. Conversely, the year-end seasonal labor peaks are strongly represented in DVD Services, and the Group ensures that all temporary workers receive all required EH&S training, information, and equipment for their responsibilities, no matter how limited the duration of employment, so that they are treated the same as any other worker within the Group. Technicolor monitors key performance indicators according to CSR criteria for key active electronics manufacturing service partners to ensure they comply with Corporate Social Responsibility regulations and practices. Technicolor Sourcing gives preference to suppliers who have achieved ISO 9001 certification and who are certified to meet such EH&S standards such as ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. Additionally, the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) may perform on-site audits to monitor and verify the implementation of the RBA Code of Conduct. Mindful of regulations banning or restricting certain chemical substances, Technicolor implemented a process for obtaining and tracking information about its suppliers. This system allows for the identification and estimation of relevant chemical substances in Technicolor’s products and ensures that banned substances are not included. In 2016, Technicolor’s commitment was confirmed by a Technicolor public statement on Conflict Minerals available on www.technicolor.com/csr, along with other Technicolor statements on compliance with UK and California anti-human trafficking laws. Please refer to section 5.7.1 for more information on product compliance and ban of hazardous materials in the supply chain.

support worker development; • respect fair market competition; •

strive to be a good corporate citizen wherever Technicolor operates; • prevent and avoid all forms of bribery, corruption, or other unfair and • unlawful action;

respect consumer and personal privacy; • avoid potential conflicts of interests. •

73 Supplier Responsibility audits were performed in 2021 by Technicolor, either on-site or remotely. Through these audits and other methods, Technicolor shares its expectations that suppliers and their subcontractors provide safe and healthy working conditions for their employees, abide by human rights laws and standards, and strive for continual improvement in their environmental management systems, processes and products. During the audit process, instances of child labor are classified as “critical,” resulting in an immediate stoppage of business. Audits revealing employee discrimination, forced labor, safety violations, permanent disabilities or fatal injuries are classified as “major,” and require immediate corrective action. No critical violation was detected during 2021. 48% of detected violations relate to health and safety, and 36% to labor, primarily working hours. Health and safety violations represent 58% of major violations, while the remaining categories of major violations detected were management system and then labor by decreasing order. Technicolor added a more systematic risk assessment of suppliers in 2018 with the implementation of the EcoVadis assessment platform (EcoVadis Rating Framework) for suppliers representing a yearly spending of more than €1 million. In 2021, such category represents 90.9% of the total spending of the Group.

Fight against harassment and discrimination 5.3.2

[103-1 Diversity and equal opportunity] [103-2 Diversity and equal opportunity] [103-3 Diversity and equal opportunity] [103-1 Non-discrimination] [103-2 Non-discrimination] [103-3 Non-discrimination] [406-1]

A diverse workforce is a business imperative for Technicolor in its competitive environment. It must be able to recruit and retain the most talented candidates from a broad range of disciplines and experiences. Technicolor’s policy is not only to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to race, sex, religion, national origin, age or disability status, but also to fight actively against harassment and discrimination, which are illegal, and also hamper our ability to perform and to retain talented employees.

Beyond existing legislation, we strive to track pay discrimination cases between women and men and to reduce such gaps. An improved gender pay gap analysis process based on current and revamped business’ job architectures was developed to identify and help to prevent pay gap creation at every step of women’s career.


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