Universal Registration Document 2021


One of the first listening actions was a Group-wide, voluntary, and anonymous survey, which will be repeated every year. This initial survey helped the DEI taskforce understand the diversity of staff and their perceptions about the way DEI is managed by the Company, and also to capture their expectations about actions and support that could come from the Company. This survey also helped to determine critical as well as manageable KPIs that should be monitored. Critical questions were asked to all respondents such as have you experienced discrimination or been discriminated against in the past year or have you observed the effects of discrimination in the workplace in the last year, in order to gain a sense of the current working environment, along with as many details as the respondent was willing to share. Several key actions were derived from the survey analysis: update the current recruiting model, create career development and greater transparency, re-onboard existing employees so all employees know where to go for resources, policies, and tools that are in place. In August of 2021, the DEI survey program was folded into the Global Engagement Survey that focused on both engagement and DEI. A yearly Global Engagement Survey will take place going forward. The initial work during 2020 was to focus on identifying opportunities to be of service and to step in when gaps were identified. Initiatives included Unconscious Bias training, “Share Our Stories” podcasts, the my.technicolor.com Intranet resource center, a global DEI research study, and working group establishment. The intent of the “Share Our Stories” series is to highlight individual stories as they relate to DEI in order to gain insight and understanding of the different issues faced around the globe. Staff can join the events live and ask questions, or they may listen to the recordings later. In 2021 Technicolor partnered with Seramount, a leader in the definition of Diversity Best Practices. They provide research and guidance to navigate and improve DEI in organizations. 2021 involved continued definition of KPIs for DEI, expanded external speaker series, working groups, monthly “Share Our Stories” podcasts, continuous updates to Intranet resources, a global DEI calendar to celebrate key events, and a DEI-focused training curriculum open to all employees on the new MyDevelopment Learning Management System. There is an increased focus on policy updates, and we are working on creating a DEI-focused Sourcing and Procurement process. A first program was launched in 2014 under the sponsorship of the Executive Committee (EXCOM), in order to improve gender parity, and increase the ratio of women in business roles, management levels and leadership pipeline. Recognizing that, as a business, Technicolor has a stake in, and a responsibility for, gender equality and women’s empowerment, and so the current mission is to advocate, to promote, GENDER PARITY

and to implement gender parity and women’s empowerment in the business, the brands, the workplaces and also the surrounding business communities. Technicolor will base its gender parity goals and initiatives on the United Nations (UN) Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) from UN Women. These goals include equal pay for work of equal value, gender-responsive supply chain practices, and zero tolerance against sexual harassment in the workplace. Specific actions concerning a full range of processes and progress continued during 2021: two women are members of the EXCOM, representing 25% of the • total number of members on December 31, 2021. With 18 members, women represent 41% of the Management Committee. Within the combined Executive Committee and Management Committee, there are 20 women representing 38% of the membership; a recruitment policy was adopted to encourage gender parity in Senior • Management positions: Technicolor requires recruitment and personnel search professionals worldwide to ensure that the curriculum vitae of at least one qualified woman is included in every list of finalists submitted for open Senior Management positions within the Company; leadership talent criteria are adapted to secure equity between men • and women in leadership positions, and gender parity is integrated in each division’s Talent reviews, which outcomes are presented to the EXCOM, including dedicated action plans as needed. In 2020, two of the first “Share Our Stories” podcasts were “Women in India” and “Women in Technology”, each about an hour in duration with 6 to 8 speakers currently working at Technicolor. In 2021, new podcasts entitled “Women in Creative” and “Women in Leadership” were recorded as part of the Share our Stories initiative. Focus of the DEI task force in 2022 includes being accountable to the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles, delivering preliminary results of the gender gap project, and creating a Group level point-of-view on caregiving. Beyond specific national or local regulations requiring the public reporting of gender pay gap indexes in highly variable and non-comparable ways, a global gender pay equity index was implemented internally to measure and monitor the global consolidated percentage pay gap between women and men for similar local job occupations and to identify gaps and shifts between remunerations. Gender pay gap measures the lack of parity for women across the different quartiles of remuneration, reflecting, among other things, the distortion of representation of women across the different levels of responsibility, because unequal pay may amplify the distortion. Gender pay gap is very dependent on business and geography, as the remuneration profile may vary significantly from one business to another and from one country to another, thus, this indicator can only be monitored by business and by geography. Technicolor aims to increase the representation of women in the higher quartile, through promotion and hiring.


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