Universal Registration Document 2021


Long-Term Incentive Plan – LTIP 2018 Upon recommendation of the Remunerations Committee, the Board of Directors, making use of the authorization given by the Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2016 in its 28 th resolution, granted Performance Shares. The table below summarizes the characteristics of these grants.

Long-Term Incentive Plans 2018 – LTIP 2018 Shareholders’ Meeting authorizing the attributions Remunerations Committee recommending the grants

April 29, 2016 (28 th resolution)


June 21, 2018 June 25, 2018

Board of Directors approving grants

April 25, 2018

Number of beneficiaries as of April 30, 2021 (Vesting date) Number of vested shares delivered on May 6, 2021


9,800 representing 0,004% of the share capital

Vesting period Holding Period

3 years

None except for the members of the Executive Committee who should retain, until the term of their contracts, at least 10% of the vested Performance Shares.

Delivery Date

April 30, 2021 or as promptly as possible thereafter (subject to presence condition on that date)

Characteristics of the LTIP 2018 – Performance conditions Performance conditions 2 complementary financial objectives reflecting the key indicators tracked by investors and analysts Adjusted EBITDA objective assessed over a three-year period:

Group Free Cash Flow objective assessed over a three-year period: if the sum of the Group’s yearly Free Cash Flow realized over • three years were greater than or equal to the sum of the annual Free Cash Flow objectives for the Group over the same period, 50% of the Performance Shares would be definitively earned; in the opposite case, no Performance Shares would be earned. •

if the sum of the annual adjusted EBITDA realized over a three-year • period were greater or equal to the sum of the objectives of the annual adjusted EBITDA for the same period, 50% of the Performance Shares would be definitively earned; in the opposite case, no Performance Shares would be earned. •





Detailed objectives

Set objectives for the plan

Objective Achieved Objective Achieved Objective Achieved Cumulative objective


Adjusted EBITDA

€250 million €270 million €206 million €244 million €101 million €106 million €557 million €620 million

Group Free Cash Flow

€40 million €(47.9) million €(22) million €(161) million €(263) million €(255) million €(245) million €(463,9) million

Review of the level of achievement of the performance condition

The Board of Directors of March 11, 2021 reviewed the level of achievement of the performance conditions set by the plan and noted that, as detailed above, that the adjusted EBITDA cumulated objective was achieved while the Group Free Cash Flow cumulated objective was not. It decided therefore that 50% of the shares could be acquired and delivered to the beneficiaries subject to the respect of the presence condition until vesting date.

Characteristics of the LTIP 2018 – presence condition Cases of forfeiture

Beneficiary of Performance Shares who would leave the Group before the expiration of the vesting period of at least three years. Case of legal premature exit (including cases of death, disability, retirement, termination without cause) and other customary exceptions decided upon by the Board of Directors.


The plan prevents beneficiaries who are members of the Executive Committee from using hedging instruments for the performance shares and requires that they retain a significant number of shares up until the termination of their positions within the Group. It is noted that the Board of Directors may proceed to grants of performance conditions at different calendar periods.



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