Universal Registration Document 2021



dedicated to each Committee – Self-development and individual contribution – Approval and oversight of corporate strategy. In addition to the questionnaire, the Directors were provided with the executive summary of the previous evaluation and especially the points which were highlighted as areas for improvement for 2021. As a reminder, these areas of improvement were the following: spend more time on the mid to long-term strategic vision, plans and • objectives; continue working on succession planning for the CEO and Executive • Committee; further address CSR matters at the Board and for example at • the Nominations & Governance Committee; strengthen reviews of risks at the Audit Committee and • for presentation at the Board; the Board should hold Executive sessions on a regular basis; • information materials for Board Members should still be sent in a more • timely and more synthetic manner. Result and analysis The analysis of the answers and the restitution were made to the Governance & Social Responsibility Committee and to the Board of Directors in February 2022. The following key points were highlighted: after a difficult year 2020 with both Covid-19 and Technicolor’s • financial restructuring, the Board refocused its attention on mid to longer term strategy in 2021; significant improvements were noted in terms of organization of the • works of the Board and of its committees, in particular with one Committee addressing now ESG matters (the Nominations & Governance Committee was renamed “Governance & Social Responsibility Committee”); information and materials are also sent to members in a timely • manner; a consensus exists among Board Members that their respective • involvement and individual contribution are adequate. Board Members consider themselves as strongly involved and committed. Areas for improvement The following points were also highlighted and approved as areas of improvement for 2022: improve format of financial documentation sent to the Board with • crisper and more concise information; further address talent strategy and risks, succession planning, • Company strategy and risks, not only in committees but at Board level; continue working on succession planning for the CEO and Executive • Committee members; proposal to move talent management from the scope of Governance • & Social Responsibility Committee to Remunerations Committee.

In accordance with AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code and section 16 of the Internal Board Regulations, the Board conducts an evaluation of its composition, organization and that of its committees on a regular basis, the objective being once a year. The Internal Regulations specify that the Board dedicates one of the points on its agenda to a debate concerning its operation once a year and performs a formal evaluation at least once every three years. The purpose of the formal evaluation is notably to assess the way the Board operates, to check that the important matters are addressed and efficiently prepared and discussed, and to assess the contribution of Directors to the Board’s activities. The Board may require the assistance of an external company for the conduction of such evaluation. Since several years, the Board of Directors conducts a formal evaluation once a year. The two successive evaluations conducted at the beginning of 2018 and 2019 (as detailed respectively in 2018 and 2019 registration documents) were performed externally. Spencer Stuart has been chosen by the Governance & Social Responsibility Committee to conduct these successive evaluations (made by online surveys followed by live interviews) as to ensure a better follow-up from the first year’s assessment to the next one’s. For 2019 and 2020 fiscal years (as detailed respectively in 2019 and 2020 Universal Registration Documents), the Board’s evaluation was performed internally under the supervision of the Governance & Social Responsibility Committee, using a questionnaire reviewed by the Committee to be answered by the Directors. After analysis of the answers, the results of the evaluation were provided to the Governance & Social Responsibility Committee and to the Board of Directors. Each restitution to the Board specifically highlights the improvements noted by the Directors since the previous evaluation as well as the areas of improvement for the ongoing year. Evaluation for 2021 Procedure An evaluation was conducted internally using the same process as for 2019 and 2020 under the supervision of the Governance & Social Responsibility Committee. The questionnaire was the same as for the previous evaluation subject to minor and necessary adjustments. The questionnaire covers the self-assessment by each Director on the following topics: Board composition and structure – Board effectiveness – Working methods – Relationship between Board Members, executive management, shareholders and stakeholders – Succession planning – Committees’ duties and activities with a part of the questionnaire



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