Universal Registration Document 2021


BOARDMEETING HELDONMAY 11, 2021 ATTENDANCE OF 100% granted delegation to the CEO for the purpose of granting sureties, endorsements and guarantees up to an overall limit of €450 million • was given an update on the preparation of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on May 12, 2021 • approved the proposal of the Nominations & Governance Committee to extend its duties to Corporate Social Responsibility and to change • its name accordingly into “Governance & Social Responsibility Committee” amended slightly the composition of the committees • reviewed and discussed the projects presented in the Strategy Committee’s report •



approved the 2021 half-year financial statements and report • approved the revised Charter of the Governance & Social Responsibility Committee • was provided with a report from the Remunerations Committee • reviewed and discussed the projects presented in the Strategy Committee’s report • held an executive session •

BOARDMEETING HELDON NOVEMBER 4, 2021 ATTENDANCE OF 90% was updated by the Governance & Social Responsibility Committee on its last meeting and discussed the reported topics: succession plans for • the Corporate Officers and Executive Committee members, replacement of Ms. Cécile Frot-Coutaz as Director reviewed and discussed the projects presented in the Strategy Committee’s presentation • discussed the anti-bribery compliance program of the Group •

Executive sessions 3 executive sessions were held in 2021, from which 2 were devoted to the Chief Executive Officer’s performance and his compensation. The executive sessions are held without the Chief Executive Officer.


CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD’S MISSIONS AND ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2021 As Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Ms. Anne Bouverot was vested with additional powers, in addition to those vested by law. These powers are defined in the Internal Board Regulations (see section “Organization of the Board of Directors’ work – Internal Board Regulations” of this Universal Registration Document). In 2021, in accordance with the powers vested to her by the law and by the Internal Board Regulations, the Chairperson of the Board especially: coordinated the work of the Board and its different committees; 1. led the Strategy Committee’s meetings, as Chairperson, and other 2. strategy discussions held during the year on growth projects and financial restructuring transactions; engaged in meetings or discussions with main investors and 3. shareholders on behalf of the Company and discussed mid and long-term strategy, governance and compensation matters, and updated the Board of such meetings and discussions; engaged regularly in discussions with general management and 4. main executives of the Group on various subjects (governance, growth, strategy, finance, etc. ).

COMPOSITION AND ACTIVITIES OF THE BOARD COMMITTEES [102-18] [102-26] [102-31] [102-34] [102-36]

The composition of the Board committees was reviewed and slightly amended by the Board of Directors on May 11, 2021 in light of the latest changes in employee directorships. Mr. Marc Vogeleisen, appointed by the Group’s European Works Council as second Director representing employees in December 2020, joined the Audit Committee. Mr. Loïc Desmouceaux, appointed as Director representing employees by the Company’s Works Council in May 2021, joined the Remunerations Committee further to the departure of his predecessor Mr. Florent Chabaud. In addition, Mr. Thierry Sommelet was appointed as Chairperson of the Governance & Social Responsibility Committee in replacement of Ms. Cécile Frot-Coutaz who resigned as Director as of September 1, 2021. Concerning the fields of responsibilities of the Board’s committees, it is to be noted that in May 2021, the Board of Directors decided to extend the scope of the Nominations & Governance Committee to the CSR area and to change its name accordingly into “Governance & Social Responsibility Committee”. The Internal Charter of such Committee was revised accordingly.



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