


5.4 Social information

5.4.3 Fair practices Market conduct Teleperformance has introduced a Code of Conduct relating to securities transactions in accordance with the AMF (French Financial Markets Authority) guide on prevention of insider misconduct in listed companies. The guide applies primarily to Group senior management. The procedures implemented are described in sectionb4.3.1. Code of Conduct relating to securities transactions. The Teleperformance Group closely and constantly monitors the practices applied by its employees and subsidiaries to ensure that they continue to be exemplary. Thus, within its sphere of influence, the Teleperformance Group applies the Ten Universal Principles of the United Nations as well as its own Global Essential Compliance and Securities Policies. The anti-corruption policy introduced in 2012bapplies to all Group employees and prohibits all forms of corruption (financial, non-financial, favoritism, conflict of interest, etc .). The Group’s compliance policy also sets out the conduct and practices that are expected with regard to competition and data privacy. In addition, all Teleperformance employees are required to apply a global ethical charter in their relationships with both suppliers and clients. Lastly, with the aim of implementing the universal principles, Teleperformance has drawn up a global policy designed to protect all personal data collected and processed within the scope of its operations. Further details on anti-fraud measures implemented by the Group may be found in sectionb2.3.3.5b Internal control and risk management . Subcontractors Owing to its activity as an outsourcer, Teleperformance and its subsidiaries make very limited use of subcontractors. In any event, the Group’s core business (customer relations) is never subcontracted. However, in some regions payroll operations are partly subcontracted in order to reduce costs: this solution only covers 0.27% of Group revenues. Actions to prevent fraud and corruption Suppliers Teleperformance’s procurement policy was officially set down in June 2015band is publicly available for consultation. In line with the Group’s values, the policy includes requirements with regard to ethical issues and anti-corruption. It is geared towards streamlining procurement processes and the continuous improvement of the Company’s procurement practices. This commitment involves a constant drive to improve understanding of the Company’s procurement policies and processes on the part of its employees, stakeholders and suppliers. In 2016, an external compliance audit was conducted on our procurement policy as part of the Verego social responsibility certification process. Teleperformance supports and promotes practices that comply with the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact relating to human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption. Teleperformance’s procurement policy advocates the continuous improvement of methods used for verifying compliance with these principles when new suppliers are selected and throughout the duration of the relationship with them, through checks and controls carried out in conjunction with the periodic business reviews. In addition to the United Nations Ten Principles, Teleperformance’s procurement policy also promotes the Company’s own values: Integrity, Respect, Professionalism, Innovation and Commitment. These values are fundamental for Teleperformance and underpin all of its relations with employees, consumers, stakeholders and suppliers. Teleperformance’s procurement policy aims to promote these values and ensure compliance with them at every stage of the supplier relationship through proactive communications with suppliers and by incorporating these values into the supplier selection process, the supplier’s capacities and management processes. In line with the Group’s organizational structure, in operational terms the Procurement Department is organized around the Group’s three management regions (Ibero-LATAM, EWAP, CEMEA). The three procurement directors are tasked with implementing the social and environmental policy defined as part of the Group’s global strategy. Accordingly, each region can implement specific measures in addition to Teleperformance’s global recommendations and each regional procurement director provides guidance to each subsidiary within their region regarding the measures taken by the subsidiary in order to take local environmental considerations into account. Teleperformance’s purchases mainly comprise computer hardware and software, telecommunications services, and property and services related to the centers.


Teleperformance bb - bb Registration documentbb 2017

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