

5.1 Introduction

● Six countries (Jordan, Kenya, Morocco, Lebanon, Brazil and Uzbekistan) have not ratified convention No.b87bon freedom of association. Nevertheless, according to the report of the 329 th bsession of the ILO Governing Body held in Marchb2017, four of these have confirmed their intention to ratify convention No.b87: – “the Government of Jordan reiterated that it had yet to amend its Labour Code and the current interim law needed to be submitted to the House of Representatives for adoption as a permanent law”; – “in Kenya, the Government and the Central Organization of Trade Unions reiterated the need for ILO assistance with respect to training and sensitization activities on fundamental principles and rights at work and Convention No.b87”; – in Morocco, “tripartite partners reported on: lack of law enforcement/monitoring in specific sectors or categories of workers”; – “in Lebanon, the Government reported that Parliament was frozen due to the presidential elections, which affected the ratification process”. Meanwhile, “the Government of Brazil reiterated that national laws needed to be amended to allow the application of Convention No.b87. This would entail a series of discussions, including on the need for constitutional amendment”. Notwithstanding this fact, regarding its subsidiaries in these countries, Teleperformance promotes dialog with its employees and is in no way opposed to worker representation: – in Jordan and Kenya, Group employees are free to join a union; – in Morocco, 7bof the subsidiary’s 18bstaff representatives are members of the UMT (Union marocaine du travail – Morocco Labor Union) and meet the Human Resources Director once a month; – in Lebanon, through our partner, meetings with staff representatives are held at least once every quarter, and more frequently if necessary; – in Brazil, an annual collective agreement is signed by unions and management and then submitted to employees for approval. Lastly, convention No.b87bcame into force in Uzbekistan on December 12 th , 2017. ● In 2017, only convention No.b138bon the minimum age for admission to employment had not been ratified by Australia and Suriname. Suriname ratified this convention in January 2018band it will come into force on January 15 th , 2019. As for Australia, “the Children and Young Persons (...) Regulation 2015baims to mitigate the risks associated with child labour (...). Any person below the minimum school- leaving age is precluded from accepting employment which would prevent their attendance when school is open for the child’s instruction or participation in school activities.” As part of its hiring process, the Group’s Australian subsidiary checks that each candidate is at least 16byears old.

■ The United Arab Emirates has not ratified the two conventions regarding freedom of association and protection of the right to organize (Nos.b87band 98). The Emirate government is “reviewing the possibility of ratifying the Conventions” and, to this end, is requesting the ILO’s technical cooperation “with regard to improving its understanding of this principle, this right and its consequences”. Our subsidiary in the country is in no way opposed to employee representation. ■ Four countries where the Group has subsidiaries which have not ratified 3bof the 8bfundamental conventions: ● the four countries in question (Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore) have not ratified convention No.b87bon freedom of association. – however, the ILO has stated that “as [a] successful example in relation to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the Government of Thailand referred to its programme on labour harmonization (…) The programme’s outcome (...) showed that 98.74 per cent of the enterprises (...) did not have labour disputes or conflicts.”bMeanwhile, “various tripartite legal Committees are meeting on a regular basis to draft the labour relations laws”. – “According to the MTUC (Malaysian Trades Union Congress), the Government is trying to amend some laws in the spirit of the Convention, in accordance with the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) labour chapter.” – “In Vietnam, ILO technical assistance is being provided in (...) studying and considering the feasibility of ratifying ILO Conventions Nos 87band 98band the possible modification and amendment of related legal documents.” – Singapore has confirmed that “the legislation is currently under review as part of the tripartite consultation procedure”, but has drawn attention to “incompatibilities with domestic legislation”. Notwithstanding, all Group employees in Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand are free to join a trade union. ● Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore have not ratified convention No.b111bon discrimination (employment and occupation). Thailand filed the instrument of ratification on June 13 th , 2017band the convention will come into force on June 13 th , 2018. Malaysia and Singapore have not made any recent announcements regarding their standpoint on potential ratification. Nevertheless, in both countries, governments and employer and worker organizations state that they have organized promotional initiatives (campaigns, training and social dialog) on the themes of discrimination and equality. The Group workforce in these three countries is in strict compliance with Principle 6bof the United Nations Global Compact: The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation .



Teleperformance bb - bb Registration documentbb 2017

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