- 7 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Organization of the Group

OPERATIONAL ORGANIZATION 7.7.2 [G4-17] [G4-20] GRI The Group’s organizational chart below contains the Group's main operating subsidiaries, classified by segments. These subsidiaries are directly held by Technicolor or indirectly held through holding companies as of December 31, 2017. They have been selected based on their contribution to the Group's revenues (external and intra-group) or on their workforce. Revenues from these subsidiaries represented 99% of the group’s revenues (external and intra-group) in 2017. The list of main consolidated subsidiaries is described in Chapter 6, note 15 to the Group's consolidated financial statements. A summary

table sets forth the list of the Group’s subsidiaries broken down by the geographic location of the entity (please refer to Chapter 6, note 2.1 to the consolidated financial statements). Main financial data (revenues, profit (loss) from continuing and discontinuing activities, geographic breakdown of assets and liabilities) as well as goodwill and trademarks are broken down for each segment in the Group’s consolidated financial statements in notes 3, 4.1 and 4.2, respectively.

Services Entertainment

Connected Home


■ Technicolor Distribution Services France SARL


■ RCA Trademark Management SAS ■ Technicolor Trademark Management SAS

■ Technicolor Delivery Technologies SAS

Mikros Image SAS

■ Technicolor Animation Productions SAS

Europe except France

■ Technicolor Polska Sp.Z.o.o.

■ The Moving Picture Company Ltd. (MPC) ■ Technicolor Disc Services International Ltd. (Hammersmith) ■ Technicolor Video Services (UK) Ltd.

■ Thomson Multimedia Distribution (Netherlands) BV

Technicolor Ltd.

The Mill (Facility) Ltd.


■ Technicolor Brasil Midia E Entretenimento Ltda

Technicolor USA Inc.

■ Technicolor Global Logistics, LLC

■ Technicolor Connected Home USA LLC ■ Thomson Telecom Mexico, S.A. de C.V.

■ Technicolor Videocassette of Michigan, Inc. ■ Technicolor Home Entertainment Services Inc. ■ Technicolor Creative Services USA Inc. ■ Technicolor Home Entertainment Services de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. ■ Technicolor Home Entertainment Services Southeast, LLC ■ Technicolor Canada Inc. (1)

■ Technicolor Canada Inc. (1)

The Mill Group Inc. Mr. X Gotham, Inc.


Technicolor, Pty, Ltd.

■ Technicolor Delivery Technologies Australia, Pty, Ltd ■ Technicolor (China) Technology Co., Ltd.

■ Technicolor India Privat Ltd.

■ Technicolor Distribution Australia, Pty. Ltd.

■ Technicolor Malaysia Sdn Bhd

■ Technicolor Connected Home India Private Ltd.

■ Technicolor Pioneer Japan KK (2) ■ Technicolor Korea Yuhan Hoesa - CH

(1) This entity hosts operations of the two segments Entertainment Services and Connected Home. (2) Joint venture owned at 51% by Technicolor.




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