Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Related party transactions 5.2.

A party is related to the Group if: directly or indirectly the party (i) controls, is controlled by or is under common control with the Group, (ii) has an interest in the Group that gives it ■ significant influence over the Group; the party is an associate or a joint venture in which the Group is a venture; ■ the party or one of its Directors is a Member of the Board of Directors or of the Executive Committee of the Group or a close Member of the ■ family of any individual referred to above.

Related party transactions with associates & joint ventures are detailed in note 2.4. Remuneration of key management is detailed in note 9.4. Other related parties: ST Microelectronics is no longer a related party as Mr. Lombard ■ left his position as Chairman of Technicolor SA since April 2017, he also left his position as member of Supervisory Board at ST Microelectronics since June 2017; In 2016, transactions with ST Microelectronics impact trade ■ payables for €2 million and expenses for €1 million;

NDS is a related party of Technicolor since Cisco Systems Inc.. ■ (the parent company of NDS) holds 5.18% of the share capital of Technicolor. In 2017, transactions with NDS are not significant. In 2016, transactions with NDS impact expenses for €4 million and trade payables for €1 million. There is no contractual obligation and other commitment with these related parties in 2017 and in 2016.



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