Characteristics of the LTIP – Presence condition Cases of forfeiture

Beneficiary of Performance Shares who would leave the Group before the expiration of the vesting period of at least three years. Case of legal premature exit (including cases of death, disability, retirement, termination without cause) and other customary exceptions decided upon by the Board of Directors.


The plan prevents beneficiaries who are members of the Executive Committee from using hedging instruments for the performance shares and requires that they retain a significant number of shares up until the termination of their positions within the Group.

Restricted Share Plan 2013 (My Technicolor Shares) Making use of the authorization given by the Shareholders’ Meeting on May 23, 2013, held in its sixteenth resolution, to the Board of Directors to proceed with the allocation of existing shares or shares to be issued which would not represent more than 0.50% of the share capital at the date of such Shareholders’ Meeting, in favor of Group’s employees or certain categories of employees, the Board of Directors on October 24, 2013 approved the implementation, in accordance with Article L. 225-197-1 of the French Commercial Code, of a global Restricted Share Plan to the benefit of 12,832 eligible employees of the Group in 13 countries.

This worldwide Plan provided, for all beneficiaries, an acquisition period of four years. 125 shares would be delivered to eligible employees at the end of the acquisition period subject to conditions of continuous employment within the Technicolor group during the acquisition period. The plan was not subject to performance conditions. Thus, 778,750 shares were delivered to 6,230 employees on November 6, 2017 in the following countries: Germany, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, United States of America, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Poland and United Kingdom.




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