Sopra Steria // 2022 CONVENING NOTICE


the Company’s interests and necessary to secure the Company’s long-term success or viability. Furthermore, this option may only be adopted where there is consensus among the members of the Board of Directors as to the decision to be taken (i.e. no votes against). This may result in the awarding of components of compensation currently defined in the compensation policy as not applicable, though any such items would be subject to ex post approval at the following General Meeting. Executive company officers 2.2. The Compensation Committee made recommendations concerning the compensation policy for executive company officers, which was

reviewed by the Board of Directors at its meeting on 23 February 2022. It should be noted that the compensation policy and payment of variable and exceptional components of compensation must be approved in advance at a General Meeting.

COMPENSATION OF THE CHAIRMAN 2.2.1. OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Financial year 2022 and following

The Board of Directors decided, on the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, not to make any changes to the compensation policy applicable to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or to his annual fixed compensation.


Items of compensation Annual fixed compensation


Determination by the Board of Directors, acting on a recommendation by the Compensation Committee

Annual variable compensation Variable deferred compensation Multi-year variable compensation

Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Deferment periods; option of asking for variable compensation to be returned

Exceptional compensation

Possible, by decision of the Board of Directors, but contingent upon very specific circumstances with substantial consequences on the role and activity of the Chairman of the Board of Directors Payment subject to shareholder approval of all items of compensation at an Ordinary General Meeting and in all circumstances capped at 100% of annual fixed compensation

Share options, performance shares and any other long-term items of compensation Compensation referred to in Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code

Not applicable

Application of Directors’ compensation policy

Any other benefits

Company car Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Severance pay/benefit payable upon change of duties

Non-compete payment

Supplementary pension plan

COMPENSATION OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 2.2.2. Financial year 2022 and following Compensation payable to Vincent Paris, Chief a. Executive Officer from 1 January to 28 February 2022 At the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, the Board of Directors has decided: not to make any change to the annual fixed compensation p payable to Vincent Paris; to propose a temporary amendment to the compensation policy, p specifically in connection with the resignation of Vincent Paris, and not to set any conditions on the payment of his variable compensation in respect of 2022 (amount at issue: €50k). This proposal is based on the quality of the handover between Vincent Paris and Cyril Malargé and the impossibility of determining meaningful quantifiable or qualitative targets over a period of a month and a half. Payment of Vincent Paris’s variable compensation for 2022 remains subject to approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2023.

Compensation payable to Cyril Malargé, b. Chief Executive Officer with effect from 1 March 2022 At the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, the Board of Directors has decided to set the amount of Cyril Malargé’s annual fixed compensation at €450,000, starting on 1 March 2022 when he takes office. As regards annual variable compensation, the Compensation Committee formulated its recommendation to the Board of Directors in consideration of the strategy, the Group’s circumstances and the goal of boosting its performance and competitiveness over the medium to long term.



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