Sopra Steria - 2021 Combined General meeting
2 SOPRA STERIA GROUP PRESENTATION’S IN 2020 Organisation and operation of governance
Adjustments to HR and managerial practices to encourage gender 3. equality, for example by ensuring participation by women in the HR structures for manager evaluation and selection; Support actions for talented women to encourage and secure 4. their move into senior management positions by setting up specific training, coaching and mentoring programmes. Age is not a criterion that is considered. The Company has not set a minimum or maximum age requirement for directorships. However, the Articles of Association (Art. 14) limit the proportion of Directors aged over 75 to one third. The average age of the members of the Board of Directors is 62.6 (at 31/12/2020). Two out of 14 Directors are over 75 years old. The Company considers that foreign-nationality Directors able to serve their term of office within a French company prove their multicultural dimension. Given the international dimension of the Group’s business activities, foreign nationals are an asset for the Board of Directors. Wherever possible, they should come from or live in the main countries in which the Group operates or in which it is seeking to expand some or all of its operations. To attract Directors living outside France, the internal rules and regulations of the Board of Directors permit Directors to take part in meetings using videoconferencing or conference call systems, and the Company can make payments to cover their travel costs. An adjustment to the arrangements for apportioning compensation referred to in Article L. 225-45 of the French Commercial Code has been agreed to reflect the constraints on foreign-nationality Directors. This consists of adding an additional 20% weighting to attendance at meetings of the Board and its committees for Directors living outside France. This does not apply to Directors who carry out their work within the Group. Three out of the 14 Directors have at least one non-French nationality. It is also a priority for the Board of Directors to have a diverse range of skills. The Company has identified ten key competencies that it would like to be represented within the Board of Directors. These skills and areas of experience are as follows: knowledge of consulting, digital services, software p development and the ability to promote innovation : this expertise will have been gained at a digital services company or consulting firm or in an industry sector focused on innovation in B2B services; knowledge of one of the Group’s key vertical markets : p ideally, this expertise will have been gained working for a client of the Group or one of its competitors, though it may also result from long sales experience in this market. It should be accompanied by knowledge of the services sector; entrepreneurial experience : entrepreneurial experience will p have been gained by starting up or taking over an industrial or commercial business and through contact with the various stakeholders (clients, employees, lending shareholders, suppliers, authorities); CEO of an international group : this presupposes past or p current experience as a non-salaried executive company officer (Chairman, CEO or Deputy CEO) of a company established in more than one country; ( " " ! $ ! ! # ! ! # !"
The impact on diversity and the integration of future members of the Board of Directors is considered every time a proposal is made to appoint or reappoint a Director at the General Meeting. The Nomination, Governance, Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Committee plays a key role in this area. Diversity is often assessed using measurable indicators related to gender equality, age and nationality. With regard to gender equality, the Company aims to continue moving toward gender equality to the greatest extent possible, and in any event has set itself the target of full compliance with the law in this respect. It is actively seeking to achieve gender equality in its Board committees. Women currently account for five of the twelve appointments made at the General Meeting (42%). Two of the three committees are chaired by a female Director. Four female Independent Directors belong to at least one committee. The targets for bringing more women into senior management positions were reviewed and discussed at several meetings of the Nomination, Governance, Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Committee and adopted by the Board of Directors. They take into account the Group’s proactive approach to corporate social responsibility, its management needs, and the current proportion of women in its business sector and at the Company. On Executive Management’s recommendation, the Board of Directors has approved targets, an action plan and practical arrangements that will make a real difference. They focus on delivering far-reaching action over the long term, rather than mere hype. Increasing the proportion of women in senior management positions Building on its experience with the gender equality programme Toget’HER for Greater Balance, the Group’s Executive Management has drawn up an action plan and targets to increase the proportion of women in senior management positions, in line with there commendations of the AFEP-MEDEF code. In the context of this action plan, senior management positions are broadly defined as including all of the highest echelons in the Group’s organisation: the Executive Committee, of course, but also “upper management”, corresponding to the 3% of employees onpermanent employment contracts belonging to the two highest echelons. This second, less visible category is very important for the functioning of the Group’s organisation and includes future Executive Committee members (see Section 2.2.3 "Diversity and equal opportunity" of Chapter 4 "Corporate Responsability" of the 2020 Universal Registration Document, pages 108 to 111). Procedures for implementation The Chief Executive Officer has put in place a specific operational the proportion of women in senior management positions, which is being monitored by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Action plan to advance female leadership (“FID”) The aim of this action plan is to help more women move into roles at the Group’s highest levels and ultimately to ensure that they are represented at every level in proportion to their percentage of the total workforce. In order to achieve the Group’s targets, a set of initiatives are required, which have been grouped into four priority areas: Proactive plan to promote female talent by identifying candidates 1. and facilitating their access to the highest levels of the organisation; Proactive recruitment plan to help meet the targets for female 2. representation at the levels concerned alongside internal promotion procedures;
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