Sopra Steria - 2021 Combined General meeting

2 SOPRA STERIA GROUP PRESENTATION’S IN 2020 Organisation and operation of governance

! # & # ;! ( # " Éric Hayat Conseil is a company controlled by Éric Hayat, a Director of Sopra Steria Group. This agreement relates to the provision to Executive Management of consulting and assistance services, particularly in relation to strategic deals connected with business development, in return for compensation calculated on the basis of €2,500 (excluding taxes) per day. The duties performed under this agreement are distinct from those performed by virtue of Éric Hayat’s directorship. For example, this may involve but is not limited to the following, in consultation with the Group’s operational managers: taking part in top-level market meetings; p maintaining contacts with civil society, members or p representatives of government and central authorities; taking part in high-level meetings with certain key clients in p France and abroad; preparing for and participating in delegations of corporate p executives to priority countries for the Group. This enables the Company to benefit from the experience and knowledge of the Group, some of its key clients and its institutional environment gained by Éric Hayat throughout his career. For reference, Éric Hayat is a co-founder of Steria, former Chairman of the digital sector employers’ organisation and subsequently of Fédération Syntec, and a former member of MEDEF’s Executive Committee. His skills and experience are thus particularly well suited to the responsibilities entrusted to him, which mainly relate to major business opportunities. They also make him one of the members of the Board of Directors directly involved in addressing the Group’s priorities in terms of strategic and commercial positioning, thus enriching the Board’s debates. Éric Hayat, in his capacity as a member of the Compensation Committee and the Nomination, Governance, Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Committee, provides these committees with the benefit of the knowledge of the Group and its operational managers he has accumulated and maintained in the course of these assignments. Lastly, he has access to information channels within the Company that are helpful for feeding information back to the Board of Directors and its Committees. The expenses recorded in Sopra Steria Group’s financial statements in respect of services provided under this agreement during the financial year under review were as follows: expenses: €0.209 million. p Board of Directors 1.2. !" # ! ! # !" On the date at which this Document was published, the Board of Directors had 14 members with the right to vote, 12 of whom were appointed at the General Meeting and two of whom were Directors representing the employees. The election of a Director representing employee shareholders will be put to a vote at the Combined General Meeting on 26 May 2021.

The work performed by this team and the principle for the rebilling to the Company of the costs incurred are covered in a framework agreement for assistance approved by the shareholders at the General Meeting among related-party agreements (see Section 1.3.4 of this chapter on pages 57) and reviewed each year by the Board of Directors. Pierre Pasquier’s compensation at Sopra GMT, reflects his oversight of the assignments performed by the Sopra GMT team for Sopra Steria Group and Axway Software. It is not rebilled to these two companies. In sum, around 85% of Sopra GMT’s operating expenses are rebilled (with the remaining 15% reflecting the estimated expenses arising from Sopra GMT’s administration of its investments). Expenses are rebilled on a cost-plus basis including a 7% margin. By definition, Sopra GMT generally records a small operating loss. On average since 2011, about 70% of the rebillings have been allocated to Sopra Steria Group. The actual allocation may vary from year to year and reflects the respective needs of Sopra Steria Group and Axway Software. The income and expenses recorded in Sopra Steria Group’s financial statements in respect of services provided under this agreement during the financial year under review were as follows: The Board of Directors reviewed the implementation of this agreement at its meeting of 28 January 2021 and unanimously agreed to maintain the previously granted authorisation for the current financial year; those Directors directly or indirectly affected did not take part in either the discussion or the vote. ' $# % # The Chief Executive Officer is supported by two Deputy Chief Executive Officers and a Chief Operating Officer. In accordance with the Articles of Association and the internal rules and regulations of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer has authority over the entire Group. He directs, administers and coordinates all of its activities. The Chief Executive Officer is vested with the broadest powers to act in all circumstances on behalf of the Company. He represents the Company in its dealings with third parties. He is supported more broadly by the Executive Committee, the Operations Committee and the Management Committee in running the Group of which Sopra Steria Group is the parent company. These Committees ensure that Executive Management is supported by the Group’s key operational and functional managers. Certain decisions relating to strategy implementation and internal organisation may require prior approval by the Board of Directors or its Chairman. Decisions “that are highly strategic in nature or that are likely to have a significant impact on the financial position or commitments of the Company or any of its subsidiaries” are defined in the internal rules and regulations of the Board of Directors. See the “Additional information” Chapter 8 of the 2020 Universal Registration Document (page 282). expenses: €1.214 million; p income: €0.139 million. p



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