Sopra Steria - 2019 Convening notice
Corporate governance and compensation of executive company officers
JESSICA SCALE Independent Director
Number of shares in the Company owned personally: 10
Date of first appointment: 22/06/2016 Date term of office ends: General Meeting to approve the financial statements for the year ended 31/12/2019
p Member of the Compensation Committee p Member of the Nomination, Ethics and Governance Committee Business address: Sopra Steria Group – 6 Avenue Kleber 75116 Paris – France
Nationality: French and British
Age: 56
Appointments Outside the Group Outside France Listed company
Main positions and appointments currently held
Chairman of digitfit
p Independent consultant specialising in the challenges posed by the digital transformation Other directorships and offices held during the last five years
Not applicable
Biography Jessica Scale runs digitfit, a hub that advises senior executives on the opportunities provided by the digital transformation. A graduate of Sciences Po Paris and holder of a PhD in political science, she has taught at Sciences Po Paris since 1990. Having begun her career in strategy consulting (at Bossard and PwC), she held operational management and executive management positions at tech companies (including IBM Global Services, Unisys and Logica-CGI). She has been involved in international entrepreneurship networks and in campaigns promoting women in business. She has also written books on strategy, communication and marketing.
HÉLÈNE BADOSA Director representing the employees
Number of shares in the Company owned personally: None
Business address: Sopra Steria Group – 6 Avenue Kleber 75116 Paris – France
Date of first appointment: Works Council Meeting of 27–28/09/2018 Date term of office ends: General Meeting to approve the financial statements for the year ended 31/12/2019
Nationality: French
Age: 61
Appointments Outside the Group Outside France Listed company
Main positions and appointments currently held
Lead Engineer
p Member of the Board of Directors of the Traid-Union union Manager of two SCIs Other directorships and offices held during the last five years p Member of the Regional Economic Commission - SSG Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes p SSG - Lyon’s employee representative affiliated with the Traid Union trade union p Union representative with the Lyon and Aix-en-Provence CHSCT (Health, safety and working conditions commission) Biography p
Hélène Badosa, currently a testing specialist for one of Sopra Steria’s large client accounts, began her professional career as an IT specialist. After running a department in EDS’ data processing centre in north-eastern France, she resumed her studies at the age of 37 and specialised in production management, going on to become an SAP ERP consultant. In the last 19 years with Sopra Steria, she has worked on numerous engineering projects, both in France and abroad.
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