Sopra Steria - 2018 Registration document


ÉRIC PASQUIER Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors

Number of shares in the Company owned personally: 503 (1)

Date of first appointment: 27/06/2014 Date term of office ends: General Meeting to approve the financial statements for the year ended 31/12/2023

p Member of the Audit Committee

Business address: Sopra Banking Software – 6 avenue Kleber 75116 Paris – France Nationality: French

Age: 48

Appointments Outside the Group Outside France Listed company

Main positions and appointments currently held p Chief Executive Officer of Sopra Banking Software

p Managing Director and member of the Board of Directors of Sopra GMT p Company officer of direct and indirect subsidiaries of Sopra Steria Group Other directorships and offices held during the last five years

Not applicable


Biography Éric Pasquier has been a member of the Board of Directors of Sopra Steria Group since 2014 and is Managing Director of Sopra GMT, the holding company that takes an active role in managing Sopra Steria Group and Axway Software. After completing his engineering studies at EPITA, he joined Sopra Steria Group in 1999, handling the operational management of major IT projects. In 2004, he became head of the Group’s operations in Spain to define its delivery model there, which would later be rolled out across the entire Group. He was then appointed Managing Director of the Spanish subsidiaries, where he oversaw their growth and profitability in a difficult economic context. In 2014, he became Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Sopra Banking Software, and then its CEO in 2016. Since 2014, Éric Pasquier has supported major banking clients in Europe, the Middle East and Africa through their digital transformation, while overseeing the rollout of Sopra Banking Software’s project.

(1) The Pasquier family group holds 68.44% of the share capital of Sopra GMT (the holding company that takes an active role in managing Sopra Steria Group and Axway Software). Shares held directly or indirectly through Sopra GMT by the Chairman in a personal capacity or by the Chairman’s family group make up more than 10% of the Company’s share capital. See Section 2 of Chapter 6 “Share ownership structure” of this report (page 217).



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