Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021


An efficient and responsible Group Maximize the contribution for the planet and communities

Community engagement 2.3

Acting for an inclusive economy 2.3.1 Saint-Gobain has defends an inclusive growth model that takes into account social, societal and environmental challenges.

and comfortable solutions, with particular attention paid to the cost price of housing and the ease of use of materials, the energy efficiency obtained making it possible to offer future occupants an improved quality of life at a controlled cost. These programs are deployed in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa, Brazil, Central America and India. A network of players contributing 2.3.2 to inclusive action The various Saint-Gobain entities, in their respective scopes and in line with their key local issues, are active in sponsorship and philanthropy in the Group’s reference markets, and also in areas such as education, research, culture or health. To develop these actions, Saint-Gobain relies on local partnerships, in particular with non-profit organizations or associations. Saint-Gobain has invested €15 million in 2021 for philanthropy and sponsorship actions. This involves either direct financial support or donations of materials. Each entity and each country makes its own choices to support projects according to local issues. This takes the form of financial donations, donations of materials, skill-based sponsorship or volunteer work. All of these actions with a strong local social impact are not systematically reported by the Group at te global level. Only a portion of financial donations and donations of materials is reported. The number of beneficiaries is also only partially assessed. The financial impact does not include skill-based sponsorship or the participation of employees in action during their working hours. The Saint-Gobain Foundation The Saint-Gobain International Corporate Foundation is based on employee commitment. All Group employees – both current and retired – can sponsor solidarity actions in two areas: the professional integration of young adults in difficulty; ■ the construction, improvement or renovation, in the ■ general interest, of living places for people in precarious situations, contributing in particular to reducing energy consumption and preserving the environment. Projects must be carried out by a non-profit organization and be located near a Saint-Gobain site. The Foundation provides direct financial support to the projects selected, thanks to an annual allocation that was increased in 2020 to €2 million invested in the projects. In addition, employee or retired sponsors facilitate an association’s access to additional partnerships such as donations of materials, access to technical expertise in energy efficiency and other areas, and volunteer work. Since its creation in 2008, the Foundation has supported 320 projects, including 39 in 2021. The global pandemic has had an impact on the Foundation’s projects; some of the projects supported had to be postponed by the associations.

Direct jobs, indirect jobs and jobs generated by the Group

Saint-Gobain participates in economic and industrial dynamics in regions where the Group has established sites, as well as in suppliers’ labor pools. Saint-Gobain’s employment footprint can therefore be measured at three levels: direct jobs, which take into account jobs paid by the ■ Group; indirect jobs, which take into account jobs generated ■ by Saint-Gobain’s purchases from suppliers and subcontractors; induced jobs, which take into account employment ■ triggered by purchases within the national economy made by direct employees of the Group through the wages they receive and by the employees of Saint-Gobain’s suppliers to the extent of activity prompted by the Group’s purchases. In 2016, EY conducted a study for Saint-Gobain of the indirect jobs and jobs generated by the Group, which covered data for 2015 and more than 90% of the Group’s purchases. The study concluded that for 170,500 direct jobs in 2015, Saint-Gobain generated more than 549,000 indirect jobs, in addition to more than 190,000 jobs induced. Inclusive and societal actions The Group’s organization is based on strong local decision-making autonomy (see chapter 1, section 5.1.1) and active collaboration with communities. As a result, the deployment of global diversity and inclusion programs or programs with a social dimension is adapted to local situations to optimize their positive impacts for local populations. This is the case, for example, for the deployment of the “health” pillar of the Care by Saint-Gobain program (see this chapter, section 4.3.2). This program guarantees the reimbursement of 80% of employees’ medical expenses (general medicine and hospitalization). The objective is to have all employees and their families (over 500,000 potential beneficiaries) by early 2023. The implementation of this program promotes the creation or improvement of local health networks in regions where access to quality services is sometimes non-existent. The Group maintains relationships with local partners wherever it operates. It takes part in actions to stimulate local employment, support disadvantaged populations in the professional world and participate in the improvement of living places. In the numerous countries where it is present, Saint-Gobain develops solutions adapted to the poorest populations. Programs are initiated locally depending on the particular situations of each country. The solutions proposed meet the criteria of sustainable


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