Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

An efficient and responsible Group Demonstrate ethics and responsibility


Responsible purchasing

In an environment where supply chains are becoming more complex, and where the collective awareness of the impacts of purchasing on stakeholders is growing, this program aims to integrate ethical requirements into the purchasing process, both for suppliers, based on the supplier charter, and for buyers, by applying the buyer charter. It helps manage and reduce the environmental, social and societal risks associated with Saint-Gobain’s supply chains.

Thus, ethical criteria respecting human rights, working conditions and compliance with standards, health and safety and the environment are integrated into the purchasing process. The responsible purchasing program is implemented with high standards in accordance with the Group’s general purchasing principles to develop long-term relationships with suppliers, on the basis of shared improvement plans.

The program is based on the ISO 20400 standard. In 2021, an audit conducted by an independent third party validated the approach and attested to its maturity. The program “responsible purchasing” includes four major steps set out in Saint-Gobain’s vigilance plan:


Suppliers’ Charter 01.

CSR Risk Analysis 02.

CSR assessments 03.

Corrective Action Plans 04.

Mandatory signature for certain key suppliers; or de-listing

Based on the purchasing category and country of the supplier

Based on document reviews and/or on-site audits

Implemented to improve the supplier's CSR performance; or de-listing

Risk management 1.4.1 The CSR risk mapping of purchases includes risks related to countries of origin and risks related to purchasing categories. Risks linked to human rights, particularly forced labor and child labor, and corruption risks are reared to the environment of the countries of origin. Risks linked to purchasing categories include environmental performance, specifically carbon and water footprints and health and safety. This mapping used recognized international sources to assess the risks

specific to the countries and activities concerned. While the general principles and sources are identical, the impact of purchases and the risks for the company are weighted according to the nature of the purchase: an upstream purchase, managed by the non-trade ■ purchasing team; a purchase related to distribution activity offerings ■ managed by the marketing distribution teams and the trade purchasing teams.


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