Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021


Strategy The action: a strategic plan based on six priorities

Building a culture of trust, responsibility and collaboration 3.5

Saint-Gobain’s new organization, aiming to empower at the local level, entails building trust , as a condition for effective delegation of authority; but also fostering cross-functional collaboration at global level. The impact that the sanitary crisis has had on the ways of working has demonstrated the relevance of this new organization and of new management methods. Saint-Gobain’s positioning as a solution provider , capable of assembling products, systems and services, makes this increased collaboration essential for the implementation of the new “Grow & Impact” strategic plan. The TEC approach, which concerns all Group employees , applies to behavioral , organizational and cultural aspects of life at Saint-Gobain. Trust, empowerment, and collaboration lie at the heart of the Group's transformation and growth model. This implies promoting reciprocity and virtuous collaborative behavior, which contribute to the development of collective intelligence. TEC represents a significant change in corporate culture within the Group, which primarily concerns managerial culture : the aim is to establish, by default, the principle of trust and thus move from a vertical, traditional structure, to an open, learning organization, leaving freedom of action at local management level in the various countries where Saint-Gobain operates. It also responds to the underlying trends affecting the world in which the Group operates, and in particular to the disintermediation brought about by new technologies, which makes managerial methods obsolete and promotes profound changes in the relationship between individuals and work. In this sense, the TEC approach represents a way of aligning Saint-Gobain’s strategy with changes in the The development of Saint-Gobain depends first and foremost on the quality and expertise of the men and women who make up the Group . This is reflected first and foremost in the attention paid to recruitment , in a context of tension across all functions and business lines offered by Saint-Gobain, in production, distribution and support functions. The Group is therefore fully committed to the race to recruit the best talents in all specialties, among which engineers, digital & data scientists, sales and marketing staff, product managers, supply chain and sustainability specialists. Beyond the recruitment process and the attention paid to its brand as an employer, it is Saint-Gobain’s collective ability to train, nurture and constantly develop these talents that will enable it to stand out. With digital and refined data processing, career paths can be more easily individualized and the HR support policy customized (see chapter 3, section 4.3.7). As to managers, the "SG Talents" program aims at identifying those who have significant evolution potential or key skills. Generally speaking, employee development , which implies taking into account individual aspirations as well as the organization's needs, entails listening to each employee, providing internal (geographic or functional) mobility options, and measuring satisfaction and engagement on a comprehensive and regular basis. In the end, all of the Group’s actions resulted in a record employee engagement index of 83% in 2021 (1) , with than 85% of them considering that their working conditions are good.

lifestyles and expectations of its various stakeholders (see in this chapter, section 1.1.5), and also a way of enhancing its brand as an employer. Tthe TEC culture also helps make the innovation process more efficient , and also helps to align it with customer needs by removing barriers between countries, business lines (solutions for construction and solutions for industry) and functions (for exmaple researchers, marketing specialists, technicians). To implement this approach in practice , the Group is increasingly relying on its training program (see chapter 3, section 4.3.5), and also on approaches such as collective and individual coaching, made accessible to a wider audience, or the generalization of 360° assessments. Giving and receiving feedback is also encouraged, so as to strengthen collaboration and trust, across the whole Group (for example via the annual Me@Saint-Gobain survey), at individual level (by developing the capacity to ask for feedback and to provide it) as well as regards with project management (for example via the Evolve collaborative platform). Among the initiatives put in place to promote the spread of the TEC culture throughout Saint-Gobain, two programs are deployed via the Unicampus program, combining courses and collaborative activities. The first is the virtual training session entitled “Become a Saint-Gobain culture champion to serve strategy”; accessible to all Group employees, and highly recommended for new hires. The second, called “Grow your Impact as a TEC leader”, is a workshop specifically dedicated to managers in charge of teams. This ambition is put into practice by using a whole series of mechanisms: from the quality of social dialogue to training programs, compensation policy and well-being in general. It is also about promoting diversity in all its forms : the variety of points of view, experiences, cultures and backgrounds has a positive impact on the working conditions and creativity of the teams, on the potential for innovation, and on results. Saint-Gobain is making progress on these different fronts , for example with the deployment of tools such as women’s networks (WIN by Saint-Gobain), and 26.3% of managers at Group level being women. This approach is embodied in all Saint-Gobain entities. For example, the Mobility Business Unit has just launched the “Women Group” project, which aims to promote diversity internally, to give women visibility, and to help them develop and find their place in the company. It is based on training (in particular on the dismantling of biases and interpersonal relationships), on the establishment of pairs for coaching, and on the structuring of a community. In Brazil, the gender diversity dynamic, which began in 2012, continues to grow, through initiatives such as a diversity survey, an update of the recruitment policy, the deployment of training modules and the implementation of specific assessment tools. In India, on-the-job training and skills development programs have helped to improve the gender ratio at the Group’s industrial production sites. In North America, programs dedicated to the integration and visibility of black and LGBTQ communities have made it possible to roll out actions over several months. In Spain, Portugal and Morocco, speaking is at the heart of the approach.

Focusing on talent, diversity and inclusion 3.6

(1) Internal survey “me@ Saint-Gobain”, 2020.


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