Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

Corporate governance Composition and operation of the governing bodies

IÊDA GOMES YELL Independent Director Member of the Audit and Risk Committee Principal office held: Research fellow and Director of Companies Compagnie de Saint-Gobain – “Tour Saint-Gobain” – 12 Place de l’Iris – 92400 Courbevoie, France

Expertise and experience Mrs. Iêda Gomes Yell was Chief executive officer of Companhia de Gas de São Paulo from 1995 to 1998. She then held various senior positions within the BP Group, in particular as Vice-President of Pan American Energy (1998-1999), Vice-President of Regulatory Affairs (1999-2000), Chairwoman of BP Brazil (2000-2002), Vice-President of Development of BP Solar (2002-2004), and Vice-Chairwoman of BP Integrated Supply and Trading (2004-2011). She was also a member of the Board of BP Brasil Ltd and BP Egypt Investments Ltd up to 2011. Mrs. Iêda Gomes Yell was also Vice-President of New Ventures for the Middle East and South Asia (2004-2011) and Independent Chairwoman of British Taekwondo Ltd. (2011-2016). She has also held several senior positions within professional organizations (the Brazilian Association of Infrastructure, the International Gas Union, the US Civil Engineering Foundation and the Brazilian Association of Gas Distribution Companies). In 2011, she founded Energix Strategy Ltd, a consulting company on the energy markets based in Warrington that she chaired until October 2017. In addition, Mrs. Iêda Gomes Yell serves as Director of the Department of the Infrastructure of the Federation of the State Industry of São Paulo (since 2012), member of the Advisory Board of the Companhia de Gas de São Paulo (since 2013), Councilor to the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce of England, member of the Advisory Board of the Fundação Getulio Vargas Energia and Director and co-founder of WILL Latam, a non-profit organization for the development of women executives (since 2014). Mrs. Iêda Gomes Yell has been a visiting research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies since September 2012. In October 2020, she became a representative of energy consumers at the Isle of Man Climate Change Citizens Forum.

63 years old Nationalities: Brazilian, British Number of shares held: 800 Date of first election: June 2016 Term start date: June 2020 Term end date: General Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the financial statements for fiscal year 2023

Her other offices and positions held during the last five years are described below. Mrs. Iêda Gomes Yell has been a Director of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain since June 2016.

Offices and duties held outside the Group Director and Chairwoman of the Nomination, ■ Sustainable Development and Governance Committee and Human Capital and Remuneration Committee of Exterran Corporation* (United States) Director and member of the Strategy Committee and ■ the Human Resources, Compliance and Sustainable Development Committee of Prumo Logistica SA** (Brazil) Director of The Institute of Directors** (United ■ Kingdom)

Other offices held outside the Group and expired over the past five years Director and Chairwoman of the Governance Committee ■ of InterEnergy Group Holdings** (2013-2020) Director and Chairwoman of the Compliance ■ Committee of Odebrecht SA (Brazil) (2018-2019) Founding President of Energix Strategy Ltd** ■ (2011-2017) Director and member of the Audit and Risk Committee ■ and of the Strategic Committee of Bureau Veritas* (2013-2021)


* Listed company ** Non-listed foreign company

ANNE-MARIE IDRAC Independent Director

Chairwoman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee Member of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Principal office held: Director of companies Compagnie de Saint-Gobain – “Tour Saint-Gobain” – 12 Place de l’Iris – 92400 Courbevoie, France

Expertise and experience Mrs. Anne-Marie Idrac held various positions from 1974 to 1995 in the Ministry of Public Works in the areas of environment, housing, urban development and transport, specifically as Chief executive officer of the Établissement Public d’Aménagement de Cergy-Pontoise (1990-1993), then Director of Land Transport (1993-1995). In 1995, she was appointed Junior Minister for Transport, a position she held until June 1997. She was elected Member of Parliament for Yvelines in 1997 and 2002, and Regional Council Member for Île-de-France from 1998 to 2002. From 2002 to 2006, Mrs. Anne-Marie Idrac was Chairwoman and Chief executive officer of RATP, then Chairwoman of SNCF from 2006 to 2008. In March 2008, she was appointed Junior Minister for Foreign Trade, a position she held until November 2010. Mrs. Anne-Marie Idrac was also Chairwoman of the European-France Movement from 1999 to 2005 and member of the Economic and Social Council from 2004 to 2008. She is also Chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the School of Public Affairs of Sciences Po Paris and Vice-Chairwoman of the Robert Schuman Foundation and is senior advisor of the firm Sia Partners. In addition, since 2017, Mrs. Anne-Marie Idrac has been Senior Representative of the French Government for autonomous vehicle development strategy and, since January 2020, Chairwoman of the France Logistique association.

70 years old Nationality: French Number of shares held: 827 Date of first election: June 2011 Term start date: June 2019 Term end date: General Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the financial statements for fiscal year 2022 (1)

Her other offices and positions held during the last five years are described below. Mrs. Anne-Marie Idrac has been a Director of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain since June 2011.

Other offices held outside the Group and expired over the past five years Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Aéroport ■ Toulouse-Blagnac (2015-2018) Director, Chairwoman of the Ethics, CSR and Patronage ■ Committee and member of the Audit Committee of Bouygues*

Offices and duties held outside the Group Director and Chairwoman of the Sustainable ■ Development and Compliance Committee of Air France-KLM* Director and member of the Governance and Ethics ■ Committee and of the Strategy & CSR Committee of Total Energies SE* Director and Chairwoman of the Compensation ■ Committee of Sanef

* Listed company (1) As Mrs. Anne-Marie Idrac reaches the age limit of 70 during the 2021 fiscal year, her term of office will expire at the end of the General Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the 2021 fiscal year in accordance with the Article 9 paragraph 8 of the Company’s bylaws.


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