Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

Saint-Gobain Today Saint-Gobain’s DNA

Values: the Saint-Gobain Principles of Conduct and Action 2.2.2 Building on its corporate purpose, the Group bases its and distributed to all employees, these principles development on strong values embodied in nine Principles constitute an ethical reference applicable in action. They of Conduct and Action, which constitute a true code of are a condition of belonging to Saint-Gobain. ethics. Formalized in 2003, translated into 31 languages, PRINCIPLES OF CONDUCT 5 PRINCIPLES OF ACTION 4


Professional commitment ■ Respect for others ■ Integrity ■ Loyalty ■ Solidarity ■

Respect for the law ■ Caring for the environment ■ Respect for health and safety at work ■ Respect for employee rights ■

These principles guide the actions of all management and employees in the performance of their duties.

These principles of conduct are the fundamental values that unite managers and employees.

The Principles of Conduct and Action refer explicitly to the applicable conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the International Charter on Human Rights, the Guidelines for multinational enterprises of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the OECD’s convention on the fight against corruption. Saint-Gobain has been signed up to the United Nations Global Compact since 2003. This demonstrates the Group’s drive for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which includes regular communication of its progress in areas covered by the Global Compact. The implementation of the Group’s strategy is reflected in policies and commitments applied by all of its entities in all countries in which they operate. Foremost among these

commitments are the “reference policies”. These are directly derived from the Principles of Conduct and Action and define the management principles applicable to all Saint-Gobain entities and employees, as well as to subcontractors in their work for the Group, and suppliers under the Responsible Purchasing policy (see chapter 3, section 1.4). This desire to establish the Principles of Conduct and Action as a sign of belonging is illustrated by the objective set by the Group’s Board of Directors, of training all managers in the Principles in their first year with the Group. In addition, the Principles of Conduct and Action are included in the welcome booklets for all Saint-Gobain employees and in most employment contracts (see chapter 3, section 1.1.1).


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